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Lukas stands in front of a barn and runs his hand over the scared over x on his face and hears carter.

"we alright?"

"fine." Luke motions to carter and carter goes to reach for the door but luke turns hearing a girl call out to him. Lukas eyes Gracie step up and moves to the door.

"Everything alright?"


"you sure Lukas?" she glances over the mark on his face knowing what it means and Luke touches the mark as Gracie runs her eyes over it and asks.

"what did you do?" She sounds angry and Luke steps back as he comments.

"between me and mason-"

"I'm in charge here Lukas. if you want to stay with me, here. I need to know what kind of things you fucked up for us."

"noting is wrong. I and mason already put it behind us. he just wanted me to have a reminder-"

"piece of advice luke, mason doesn't forget when people fuck him over, watch yourself." 

Gracie motions to carter.

"make sure he gets his job done."

"of course grace.." carter says it firmly showing the woman respect and she shifts her eyes back to luke eyeing the bulging and still bloodied scar. she bites her lip and shifts her eyes.

"get it done guys!"

she walks away casually back into the house and luke pulls the barn doors open and eyes the people chained up inside. He walks in and Carter glances the people over like he is inspecting fine meat. he stops in front of a girl and traces his eyes over her as he nods.

"yes, yes this one will do fine. cut her down."

"why? it's not Friday?" luke says sounding unsure he heard Carter right but Carter motions to him.

"I got my orders. mason said a female was needed. l don't ask what for-"

"aren't you curious?"

"curiosity killed the cat luke. ever hear that one? it can also kill a whole community and I like my community. Cut her down."

Luke unhooks his knife and slices through the ropes cutting the girl down and she falls to her knees weak from lack of food and Carter aks her sounding nice.

"hungry girl?"


"oh come on now girl. I know your hungry I can see it, the bones, the starvation setting in.   you want to eat, right?"

he grips her face making the girl look up to him and he stares her down asking.


she remains quiet and Carter comments.

"We got plenty of it, food girl. water, supplies, we can be very nice to our friends  and we can be friends-"

"I don't know you-"

"oh, but you will, because you  are going to be very important." 

"important?" She says sounding worried and the man above her turns his head as he bends down and stares her in the eyes. Carter takes her hands and eyes the bones almost showing fully on her arm as he lightly pats it comforting her as he states.

"We got a job for you girl."


Senator Reid stands there over his son and sighs asking outright.

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