Together Twins flashback Final Part

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"he said we just need to watch them." Alex sits next to sally and sally asks.

"what do you think they are like?"

"Miya seems nice konnor, well he seems weird..."

"I like mason.." sally smiles and Alex turns his head.

"I don't know..." Alex sits back seeing the walkers herded into a field and hears a voice.

"kids hungry?" Alex turns and eyes konnor nods down to the kids and he drops some food in front of them

"don't tell mason, alright?" konnor winks at the kids and sits down with them grabbing some candy as sally asks.

"where'd you get it?"

"We keep a stash when we find candy..." sally and Alex reach for it and Konnor doesn't stop them as he watches Alex and sally eat their food and he comments.

"Miya, she really cares about you two.." konnor stops himself and hears some walkers in the distance and motions tot he kids.

"I came to pick you up mason he wants to talk with you, both of you..." 

Alex and sally walk into a room and Alex walks up to the nice window and eyes the green lawn as he smiles and whispers.

"it's so green-:

"like the view?" Alex turns and eyes mason walk up to the desk and mason remains quiet as Alex asks

"hows it so green-"

"its fake-" mason stops himself and Alex turns as mason nods.

"false hope is better than none..." mason walks up next to Alex and Alex glances up as mason flips through a journal and asks.

"So what's your name?" he asks sounding interested and Alex glances up as he tells the truth.

"Alex and she's she is sally..."

"your sister?" Mason asks and Alex lies.


mason jots down a few things in his journal and Alex asks sounding concerned.

"what are you writing..." Mason turns the book over.

"We keep track of our people it's so we know who we can trust." mason bends down and looks over Alex as he asks.

"I can trust you, right?" 

Alex shrugs and mason lets out a laugh but Miya walks in and motions to the kids.

"Why don't we  eat?"

"good idea take the kids and get them some food..."

"I met all of us.." Miya motions tot he kids and walks up to mason.

"don't tell me you're not hungry?"

"I can afford one less meal..." Mason nods to her and Miya whispers.

"you need to eat."

"two meals are plenty"

"and you only had one." Miya says sounding concerned and mason nods his head sighing loudly.


mason is down at a table across from Miya and hears the kids talking as he stares down into the food and Miya asks.

"is it not good?"

"it's fine.." mason smirks and Miya asks sounding concerned.

"you skip too many meals..." 

Mason nods his had and Miya sighs as she hears sally.

"Can we go play?" Miya waves them off and the kids run out as Miya speaks softly.

"We can't afford to lose you-"

"I know..." Mason nods his head and Miya lowers her voice.

"I can't. look, I know about the Presley thing..."

"This again?" mason states sounding annoyed and Miya whispers.

"I just, I need something and these kids mason, they make me happy."

Mason shakes his head and Miya asks sounding upset.

"don't take that away."

"I wouldn't throw kids out on the street during this."

"really?" Miya says sounding unsure and mason nods to her.

"of course not but they're your responsibility."

"they won't bother you, I promise." 

"good." mason nods to her and goes to walk away but Miya speaks up.

"thank you." 

"it's the right thing to  do"

Miya nods agreeing but comments "it's not your type of right."

mason stops himself from walking and glares back to her and Miya stares back as he turns his head and leans over the table. he lowers his voice as he stares miya down.

"guess, good thing you were there huh? I almost sliced that kids head right off" mason makes a cutting motion on his neck and may turn her head as she whispers.

"you humor sucks..." he turns his head staring down his wife and asks outright

"Maybe it would've been the right thing-"

"stop" Miya states and stares down mason as he turns his head staring right back at her and replies.

"Stop what? you damn well no it won't be easy being kids now.  fuck, I could've made it easy for both of them."

"well, I guess you'll have to do something decent-" she stops by his side and whispers.

"for a change." she goes to walk by him but he grips her arm and asks.

"you don't think I've done decent things?" Miya stares him down and he looks her over as he leans in close and whispers.

"decent things never pay off here. you do nice stuff and it comes back in a bad way."

"not always."

"you give food to a hungry person then they come back for more, share water and it makes them more thirsty, take them in and they steal from you, fall in love and they die, get close and you lose them and then what? your all alone you hungry, thirsty bitter and yeah even pissed-off..." he turns his head and stares down Miya and she turns hers as she whispers.

"There are good people-"

"Really?" mason looks around the room and asks.

"where are they?" he points to Miya.

"Are you good?" he asks with a smirk and she steps back annoyed and he asks as he motions to himself.

"fuck, am I good?" he turns his head and Miya goes to speak but her talks over her.

"truth is Miya we aren't good. we are not the good guys in this story because in this story honey-" mason presses again Miya and whispers.

"good guys don't win."  he kisses her forehead hard and stares her down as he comments.

"if you wanna play house go for it but don't pretend you're doing it for the right reasons at least be honest with yourself."

"is that what you tell yourself after you fuck Presley?" Miya states and mason turns his head as he coldly states.

"pretty much." he shrugs and kisses his wife as he stares her down and then taps her nose

"but I don't pretend. I got nothing to hide. I already know I'm a bad person but we always survive, don't we?"

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