67 - Woojin

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Song of the "Day": Skeletons - keshi


I walked down the street with heavy steps, not knowing were I was headed. I just needed to get out, to get some fresh air. It felt like I had been choked the whole day, so I just needed some time to reflect and calm down. It had been a tough day as I had an argument with my closest friend. It felt like everything was falling apart, that nothing was going my way. It seemed like everything was my fault, I was ruining everything. I was on bad terms with my friend because of different opinions. She had asked me for my honest opinion about a situation, and I told her what I really thought. She clearly took offence to it and started getting off topic and attacking me with words she knew would hurt me. I tried to calm her down, to make her see things from my perspective, but she refused to listen and began to bash on me. I just couldn't stay there with her any longer. Just looking at her made me feel anger. I didn't mean her any harm, I didn't say it to hurt her. She knew that, hopefully.

Or maybe I did mean her harm? Maybe my subconsciousness finally took a toll and made me cut her off. Maybe this was the way I would get rid of her for good. I had been poisoned by her for too long. Her words and actions running down my throat, chills going down my spine as she took control. She had never treated me right, now that I realised. She had only used me for her own advantage, for someone to take the blame for her when she was in the wrong, when she was in trouble. She used me when she didn't want to do things herself, threatening to throw me out of the apartment if I didn't do as she said, cause she was the one who signed the contract, I just tagged along and paid her half of the rent each month. She was the devil in human form, presented like an angel to most. 

I looked up at the sky as I felt a cold prick on the back of my neck. It was raining now. Great. I didn't bring an umbrella, and neither did I bring a jacket. My phone was dead and I had nowhere to go. I lowered my head and spotted the legs of people running past me to get to shelter. I didn't care at this point. Nothing could get worse at this rate. My hoodie was quickly soaked, my pants and shoes as well. Water was dripping from the tips of my hair and from the brim of my hood. I didn't even know if the water running down my face was rain, or tears. They both had the same effect on me, my eyes reddening and my cheeks following along. I started to shiver, my teeth clenched together in an attempt of keeping them still. I wandered on, not sure where I was going. I could feel a few eyes on me, judging me, I was sure. I looked up and realised I had walked to Stray Kids dorm. I was standing outside the door, not sure whether or not I should press the doorbell or not. Maybe I should just go back and apologise, to pull myself together like I had done before, and pull through this toxic friendship. I had wanted to write my own story, but she had somehow grabbed the pen and written another ending for me. I couldn't stay with her forever. I stood there for a little longer, just staring down at the ground, the rain still pouring over my head. It felt as if I was unable to move, unable to decide what to do. I took a deep breath and wrapped my arms around myself, trying to contain some warmth. I looked at the doorbell and felt the tears forcing themselves out. I lifted my hand and pressed my finger against the metal button. Soon there was a buzz, and the door opened. I entered the block and walked over to the elevator. I took it up to the sixth floor, looking myself in the mirrors. I looked like complete trash. My hair was dripping wet, my clothes were sticking to my skin uncomfortably. No matter how much I tried to pull it away from my skin, it only got worse. 

I stared at myself, trying to keep myself cool and collected to meet the others. I jumped slightly as the elevator chimed and the doors parted. I slowly walked out and over to the door of their apartment. There was a while of hesitation this time around as well. I could just walk out again and leave everything. Why am I even here, I could be back home already. If that's even my home anymore. Just the thought of her was enough to make me press the doorbell. I looked down at my shoes and held my arms tightly around me. It didn't take long before the door opened, I didn't even look up, I knew who it was right away.

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