Interesting Woman(pt. 3)

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You quietly snuck away from the ballroom, making sure not a person in sight saw you.
"I'll make this quick... I don't want to be here any longer than I have to." You checked your watch, making sure you were going to the right room. There were so many, and you definitely did not want to get lost. You passed a room that made your watch go crazy. You pushed the door in quietly, making sure to not leave too much of a trace.
You snuck over to the large desk, it shined and glistened as you pointed your flashlight towards it.
"This room must be new..." You mumbled, taking quiet, calculated, steps behind the desk.
"Tom... What are we finding again exactly?" You asked, opening the desk full of papers.
"You'll have to look deeper than the exact desk, look under the table and you'll find a green button," Tom explained. You followed every step, making sure you didn't forget anything.
"I found the files... Now it's time to flee." You hurried your way to the door, but someone must have been gotten to you first. The door opened and before you could even react, a gun was pointed to your head.
"Not so fast... (Y/N)" An all too familiar voice said. You gasped, trembling in surprise.

"Edd...? What are you doing here...?"


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