Chapter 1

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-Inez POV-

I was walking home from school while listening to music through my ear buds, I turned the corner and from there I could see a U-haul van parked in our driveway, I stood there staring at it, confused.

When I got home I saw many boxes scattered around the house

"Mom" I called out going up the stairs.

"Yes honey" she said peeking her head out of her room.

"What are the boxes for?" I asked her while panicking a bit

"Look, we were supposed to move in two weeks but our flight was changed and now we have four days to pack" she said calmly.

"What!? Mom I'll leave so much behind... My friends, cousins, and my boyfriend" I blurted out.

"Boyfriend?" she chuckled, I turned red and face palmed myself when I realized I had just snitched myself out.

"Look Inez you have family in New Jersey too for example, your brother" she said cheerfully.

"Yeah and that's it, I don't know anybody else there" I complained.

"So you'll get to know them, you'll meet new people and new friends, you're a social girl it won't be that hard for you" She said trying to cheer me up too, by this time she was in the middle of the hallway and closer to me.

"You know that's a lie, I hate talking" I mumbled before turning around and walking to my room.

I closed the door and looked at my room and of course there was boxes there too "Ughhh" I groaned, I sat down on my floor and started sobbing

"Inez I know it's hard for you but we need to pack, we only have four days left" my mom said through the door.

"Fine" I said quietly, I stayed sitting down for another hour before accidentally falling asleep.

I slowly woke up and stretched my arms, I got up from my bed and turned on my lights, more than half of my items were gone same with the furniture, I sighed and got back into bed and started watching some Netflix then fell asleep again. 

When I woke up it was pitch black in my room and it looked empty, I looked around my room for a couple of seconds before checking the time on my phone 3:46am it read, the demon hour I thought to myself then chuckled a bit, my happiness quickly flooded away when I remembered why my room looked so empty I sighed sadly and got up I went downstairs and out the front door.

Once I was on my front yard, I ran across the street, down an alleyway, and jumped a fence to get to my favorite gas station I bought some snacks then headed back home, I ate my snacks in my room while watching TV.

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