Chapter 15

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[Inez in the Media]

~ Two weeks later ~

Thankfully, my mom had decided to shorten my punishment so now I was free to go wherever I wanted to go but I had to be back home before 8 p.m. since that's the time It started to get dark outside.

•7:00 pm•

Me, Aliyah, and Yesenia were all walking to the gas station to buy something cold to drink because this summer weather was WACK.

Just then I got a call from Mattia we talked and flirted with each other as I walked to the gas station.

Just as we were about to enter the store, a group of four girls walked up to us, all wearing a nasty glare on their faces, it was like mean girls but more diverse.

"Hey Mattia I'm gonna call you back," I said then hung up.

The girls approached us with that mean girls glare.

"Hey, are you Mattia's girlfriend?" The leader asked me, she had brown curly hair, light beige skin, and some beautiful blue eyes.

"Um well no, not really" I shrugged.

"Are you Alejandro's girlfriend?" The one to the left asked she had long black hair, very white skin, and hazel eyes, she could almost pass for a vampire.

"No, it's just a sticky situation between us three but I'm not comfortable sharing that information with strangers" I replied.

"Mhm," The leader said pressing her lips together with a sassy look on her face.

"Can we go now?" Aliyah asked with an attitude.

"Mm how about no?" The leader said with an evil smirk plastered across her face.

"Look this isn't no fucking mean girls type bull shit so excuse us," I said ready to walk away.

Suddenly, the leader punched me right in the face, I fell backward and when I tried to get back up I was kicked in the face and fell back down then I felt a pair of arms grab mine and hold them behind my back.

I looked to my left and saw that the other two girls were fighting Aliyah and Yesenia and damn could my friends fight.

As the girl with the black hair held my arms behind my back the other girl repeatedly punched me while I tried to push her away with my feet.

Finally, the girl with the black hair released me and I fell to the floor but of course they weren't completely done with me, one of them pushed me to the ground and they both started kicking and punching me.

I let them do their thing while I tried to cover myself as much as I could while crying, I was too weak to fight back at this point.

"Get the fuck off her!" I heard Mattia's voice.

Then I felt both girls get pulled off of me, I looked up and saw Mattia I tried to speak but nothing came out, his face became blurry and his voice seemed to fade away slowly until everything went black.

•3:00 am•

I woke up in a hospital bed, confused, I looked down at myself and I had a light blue hospital gown on.

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