Chapter 30

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[Inez in the Media]

I heard an echoing beeping sound in my head as my eyes slowly fluttered open.

I looked around and saw a bright light above my head, I had on a baby blue hospital gown, and my mom and brother were next to me along with another boy that I didn't recognize.

The boy was tall, tan-ish skin, deep black hair, and was very, very handsome.

There were all types of flowers, balloons, and teddy bears on one of the desks.

I kept hearing the beeping sound and it was giving me a bit of a headache.

"Shhh settle down" I heard a man's voice say.

"Inez?" My mom said gently.

"Mmm?" I hummed, my throat felt dry and scratchy.

"Oh thank goodness" She let out a breath of relief.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"Welcome back Inez, you've been in a coma for 48 hours" The doctor informed me.


"Are you okay?" The handsome boy asked me.

I heard as the beeping quickened when the boy got close to me.

"Who are you?" I asked him.

He gasped quietly and the twinkle in his eyes dissolved into pure despair.

"She doesn't..." His voice trailed off as he looked at the doctor, worry written all over his face.

The doctor chuckled and put his hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Don't worry son she'll get all her memory back soon, just be patient" He replied.

The handsome boy nodded and looked at me with a sympathetic smile, I smiled back at him.

Mom and Cameron talked to me while the boy sat in a corner of the hospital room staring intensely at me.

After mom and Cameron exited the room the boy approached me.

"Hi," He said.

"Hey" I replied.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked.

I shook my head and he looked hurt by it.

"Okay, well, I'm Mattia, Mattia Polibio, nice to meet you," He said shaking my hand.

"I'm Inez nice to meet you too, why are you here?" I asked him.

"Damn... I'm your friend" He stated.

"But I don't know you" I replied.

He facepalmed himself with a frustrated look on his face.

He quickly pulled out his phone and showed me a picture of him and me?

"How do you have that?" I asked him.

"We're friends..." He replied.

"No, we're not, I don't know you" I replied.

After a couple minutes of struggling with me, the boy left to use the bathroom, who was he?

•4 Hours Later•

The boy kept showing me videos and pictures of us together that I had no clue were taken.

"Okay, this is my last shot..." He announced.

He started typing things into his phone and showed me a gas station, the gas station.

Then it seemed to hit me, the kisses, cuddles, conversations, texts, smiles, laughs, tears, even all the drama, it hit me.

"Mattia..." I said breathlessly.

He nodded with an excited look on his face.

"Who are you?" I asked him.

His face dropped into a serious expression.

"I'm playing!" I exclaimed and held my hands out for a hug.

"Oh, you fucking-" He cut himself off and just gave me a hug.

"Finally you remember me," He said relieved.

"What happened?" I asked him.

"You were kinda... shot... by Kayla... somewhere in your head... And the hospital's little drug thingy fucked up your memory" He replied hesitantly.

I stayed quiet and nodded, I didn't really know what to say to that...

•4 Days Later•

"Goodbye," I gave a light hug to my nurse.

I was finally being released today after about six days in the hospital, I was just thankful to be alive and healthy.

I spoke to Cameron as my mom drove me home.

"So what happened to Kayla?" I asked.

"Oh her... she's in jail for attempted murder" Cameron replied.

"Yes... Justice" I replied.

When we arrived home I hopped out of the car and rushed inside but as I went up the stairs I felt dizzy and panicked.

I started getting flashbacks and then heard the screaming and gunshots all over again, I could almost feel the blood splatter on me.

My breathing quickened right along with my heart rate, I felt hot tears stream down my face and my throat ache as I went back downstairs.

"Honey are you okay?" My mom asked me as she rushed to me.

"I'm scared, she's there" I couldn't say more than that before my voice was gone and everything faded into darkness once again.

A/N: Short chapter but wit drama🤭😳

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