Chapter 31

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[Alvaro in the Media]

~ A Couple Hours Later ~

I groaned in pain as my eyes slowly opened, I looked around and noticed I was in my room, I had my pajamas on, and the TV was on.

I looked to my right and left a couple of times trying to adjust to the darkness, I started getting up when I felt something move next to me, I squealed in surprise not knowing who it was.

"Mmm," The person hummed.

As my eyes adjusted to the person's face in the darkness, with a little help from the TV's light I could see Mattia's features appear slowly.

My heartbeat suddenly picked up and my breathing became unsteady.

I stared down at him in confusion and fear.

Why fear? I don't know either.

"Mathia?" I whispered scooting away from him.

"Mmm," He hummed not even fully awake.

I attempted to get off the bed but I instantly fell on the room's cold wooden floor with a loud thud.

"Inez?" Mattia said loudly.

I heard him shuffle the covers and then ran to my side as I laid hopelessly on the ground, my whole body numb.

"I can't... I'm numb" I spoke.

He picked me up bridal style and then placed me back on my bed.

"Can you speak?" He asked me.

"I... I... no... talk" I spit out, I could barely talk in full sentences.

"Oh my God" He whispered.

"Why... can't... I... Speak" I replied.

"I don't know... oh my God... what do I do?" He asked himself.

I looked at his worried expression and it was starting to make me panic, what was wrong with me!?

"Do you know what your name is?" He asked me.

"Inez" I replied.

"Okay, that's good... who am I?" He asked me.

"Mattia" I replied.

"I'm gonna go get your mom" He replied, got up and then left the room.

I sluggishly picked up my arm and tried to "un numb" it but it was no use, I was just numb and had no feelings.

Soon, my mom rushed into my room, with an alarmed expression, kinda like a scared cat.

"Inez... talk to me," She said.

"I... Can't..." I forced the words out.

"We need to take you to the hospital right now," She said.

Mattia carried me to my mom's car and placed me in the back seat then hopped in next to me, he let me lay my head down on his lap as he twirled my hair around his fingers.

When we arrived at the hospital the nurses ran to the side of my mom's car and put me on a stretcher than carried me inside.

I didn't know what was going on but next thing I know doctors and nurses were doing multiple exams on me for long hours.

They gave me all types of pills and antibiotics I let them place them into my mouth as if it were candy even if it tasted horrible, I just wanted this nightmare to be over already.

Finally, they let Mattia and my mom into my room.

Mattia ran to my side and held my hand tightly.

"Are you okay?" He asked me.

"Yes," I replied.

"Can you feel your arms?" He asked.

"Yeah... and I can... almost talk... right" I replied with a tiny bit of difficulty.

"Oh thank goodness" He sighed.

"What happened to... me," I asked.

"The doctors don't know yet..." He replied awkwardly.

"I feel weird..." I said.

"Yeah I know but it'll go away soon" He replied calmly.

Finally, the doctor walked back in, he talked to my mom for a bit before turning to look at me.

"Hello sweetie, you'll be fine but apparently the bullet slightly damaged something in your head making your body and dialogue dysfunctional for a bit but will prescribe you some medication for you take and you'll be back to normal" The doctor smiled.

"Oh okay..." I replied.

"Oh thank goodness there's not long term effect" My mom sighed.

"Yes, you are a one in a million case" He replied while smiling.

2 Hours Later•

We were released from the hospital and were now on the way home, I quietly hummed to the song playing on the radio.

I could see Mattia looking at me from the corner of my eye, I looked at him and smiled shyly.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, you're just so gorgeous" He replied.

I blushed and looked away.

"That's so corny" I replied while laughing.

He shrugged then planted a kiss on my lips.

Who?|Mattia Polibio & Alejandro RozarioWhere stories live. Discover now