Chapter 25

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[Yesenia in the Media]

~ 2 Weeks Later ~

I was hanging out with all of the girls, besides Yesenia for some reason, she didn't want to come.

We played "truth or dare" and other games on my room's floor.

"Aye am I the only one who thinks Yesenia has been acting weird lately," Dylan said.

"Nah I noticed it too" Aliyah tagged along.

"What do you mean?" I asked them.

"Well, she doesn't hang out with us as much and kinda avoids us like if she were hiding something" Dylan explained.

"Hmm, I never noticed that" I replied.

Thinking of it, Yesenia had hung out with us only once this week and it was only for about an hour before she left in a hurry, and most of the time she had been on her phone.

"Let's go to her house," Emily said standing up.

"Yeah let's catch her by surprise just for fun" I replied standing up.

All the girls got up too and we rushed down the stairs and out the front door. We talked as we walked to Yesenia's house.

When we arrived at her house no cars were in the driveway indicating that no one was home so she must be home alone.

We knocked and waited for her to answer when the door swung open instead of seeing Yesenia my eyes met Alejandro's eyes.

I heard all the girls gasp quietly as they stared at him with wide eyes.

"Oh..." He mumbled.

"Where's Yesenia?" I asked.

"Inside... you want me to bring her out here?" Alejandro asked.

"Yes please" I replied.

He closed the door slightly and went looking for Yesenia.

"Okay girls I'm going to need you to back away, I want to talk to her in private," I said.

They all nodded and started walking a distance from me.

Finally, Yesenia stepped out of her house with a worried and scared facial expression.

"Look I can explain," Yesenia said.

"It's fine" I smiled softly.

"What?" She asked obviously surprised.

"It's fine if you're seeing Alejandro, I want him to be happy" I replied.

"But how about girl code and all of that?" She asked.

"Look I know he's an ex but I never liked him like that, I just used him and all I want is to truly see him happy with someone who genuinely likes him and won't hurt him, I just want a happy Alejandro" I explained.

"Thank you" Yesenia replied and embracing me into a big hug.

I gave her a big hug as well.

"So it's cool?" Alejandro asked peeking his head out the front door.

"Were you eavesdropping?" I asked him.

His face turned a bright red as he shook his head while giggling a bit.

"Alejandro!" Yesenia exclaimed and hit him playfully.

Alejandro walked out and gave me a sudden hug.

"I'm happy you're happy now, I told you, you would find the one" I whispered to him.

"I know, thank you" He whispered back.

He let go of me and went to stand next to Yesenia with a big smile.

"Awe" all the girls cooed.

"Finally I'm not stressed out" I sighed happily.

"Let's go to the ice cream shop" Alejandro announced.

We walked to the ice cream shop as a group while talking happily.

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