Part 43

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  She would have never thought it was possible to love Jay more than she had but she was wrong.

  Loving someone who could have no secrets from you, someone connected to you in every way, was thrilling and freeing.

  She accepted him completely, and that was having an amazing effect on him, but it was also changing her.

  Every day she felt stronger. Better.

  She no longer needed him to lesson her guilt or grief. Now that he shared those memories and feelings with her, she was strong enough to overcome them. Defeat them.

  She was getting stronger in other ways too. She couldn't just pick up on people's feelings any longer, she could pick up their thoughts. Their deepest thoughts and wants. Things they'd never say aloud.

  Jay was the only thing that kept it from being overwhelming.

  This was who he was, who they were now. There was nothing they couldn't do together, even now when they were in separate rooms it was like he was standing at her side.

  Where Jay was concerned, she was getting more and more flashes of things that he couldn't even remember.

  The green-eyed man. His brother. His true brothers.

  You're letting your mind wander again, hon. Focus. History class. Mr. Dunbar just asked you what the United States Constitution replaced. And I keep telling you it's impossible for me to have brothers. Other than Ernie, Punk and Angel and I don't even claim them.

  "The Articles of Confederation." Which she knew because the teacher kept repeating the answer in his head. Not claiming them was a foster kid's defense mechanism. He didn't mean it. She could feel how fond of them he was.

  Remind me that when I want to punch one of them.

  We need to help Hannah and Josh. I hate knowing they are going through such heartache.

  What can you do, babe? He's falling for someone else.

  She sighed. She couldn't even be upset with Josh since he was genuinely heartbroken over it. The saddest part was that Hannah had her suspicions.

  They have to work it out for themselves.

  Jay has always felt like knowing things like this was an invasion. She didn't; it was a gift, and it bothered her to not be able to use it for good.

  There's not always a right answer. Being human means having free will.

  You do that a lot. Insinuate that maybe you aren't human. She didn't question him about it because she knew that it was just a feeling he had. The truth was that he knew he was human; he just knew he was something else too.

  If that's possible, isn't it also possible that you have a family you don't know about?

   She rolled her eyes at his silence. He'd rather not talk about it. Or think about it.

  How is it I didn't know how big of a procrastinator you are? If it was me, I'd want to know what and who I am. I would want to know why we feel like we have a countdown going off inside of us.

  I know. Your feelings are so mixed in with my own that I can't even remember what mine are.

  She smiled because this was muttered in mock outrage. He loved that they were so close. Loved that there was no her and no him any longer.

  So why are we putting it off?

  Fear. She knew that, but she wanted him to admit it, so she could reassure him that there was no way of breaking them up.

  Instead of that, he sent chills down her limbs as he kissed the back of her neck.

  That trick was still new. He's always been able to put a thought into her head of him kissing her but now it was so real he might as well be kissing her neck.

  And you wanted me to date a normal boy and miss out on all these perfectly perfect perks.

  He nibbled on her shoulder. I've seen the error of my ways.

  "Um hum. Do that again."

  She felt his smile. You said that aloud, hon. 

  Opening her eyes, she only caught Jackson looking at her. She gave him a half smile, half wince.

 She still had to get a hang of some things.

  You let me sit here knowing class was over, didn't you?

  He waved from the doorway. Yep. You need to learn how to jumble through all of it and stay in the present.

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