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Pen Name: Paula Dickson

Username: paudickson

Is your pen name your legal name? If no, then how did you make up one?

My pen name is not my legal name. I actually can't remember how I came up with it.

How many books have you published till date?

I haven't published any books out there by a publishing company or even on my own on Amazon. However, here on Wattpad I've written five stories.

What are your future projects?

I am currently working on a story about two girls falling in love. This story is inspired by true events.

What is writing to you?

Writing to me is a way of escaping reality and creating a world of your own to escape to.

Is being an author, your long time dream or a hidden passion you found out later?

My ultimate dream has never been to become an author. Writing is more of a hidden passion that I found to tremendously enjoy later in life.

What genre books you like to work on?

I enjoy writing romance, chicklit, and erotica.

If we challenge you to write a book of another genre we suggest, then would you take it up?

Hmm, depends on the genre and how much time I'd have to write a new story.

Then we would love to read a paranormal Erotica book from you soon.

Writing is a reality that paints a beautiful fantasy. What do you think are the charms of writing fiction/non fictional books?

To me, the charms of writing fictional stories is simply that; that the story is fiction and was never meant to be literal (as much as sometimes we wish they were) because of this you can escape into your own mind, your own wishes and fantasies and create something that is unique.

Who are your favorite authors in and out of wattpad?

My favorite author who's not on Wattpad is Pepper Winters.

Name few of your close wattpad friends.


What is your favorite series you have recently watched or read?

One show that I've recently watched is American Horror Story. A book that I've recently read is The Contract.

Who is your favorite actor/actress?

My favorite actress is Inbar Lavi

Who is your favorite Villain you couldn't help but love?

My favorite villain is Gru from Despicable me

What are your hobbies other than writing and reading?

I don't have any other hobbies.

What are your hidden talents?

I have no hidden talents haha

What is the most embarrassing situation that you have ever been through?

The most embarrassing situation I've ever been through has to be when I was in middle school and fell in front of literally over thirty kids.

One craziest thing you have ever done?

One of the craziest thing I've ever done has been going to New York with my sister.

There are many authors who just started their journey and many readers who want to write but has no courage to do so. Please give them a tip and a word of encouragement.

My biggest tip would be to write and keep on writing. Write for your characters, not for the people, or the votes or reads or comments that your story might get.

Last but not the least, have you ever dreamt of writing your own comic?


What do you feel about this interview?

A bit long, but I don't mind it.

Hope you had a great time answering our questions. We appreciate you for your beautiful works and also spending valuable time with us.

We wish you to write many more successful stories and be a bestselling author one day.

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