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Comrade Milinda (of the Archive) has asked me to add some background to the Dogs Star's presence on Earth. 

Sirius and Earth have had a canine connection for millennia. In the Americas alone the names for Sirius include Dog Face to the Blackfoot, Wolf Star to the Pawnee, Dog Star Guardian to the Cherokee and Moon Dog to the Inuit.

Ancient cultures around the world had similar names. To the Romans Sirius was Little Dog; in China, Celestial Wolf; Chaldea, Dog Star that leads; and Assyria, Dog of the Sun. In our times too,  Sirius is commonly known as the Dog Star .

The beings of Sirius are shape shifters. They move between their animal form (mostly canine, but also bears and seals) and their human form. The animal form is generally preferred for it's free moving vitality, the human for it's  dexterity.

Sirius has been active on Earth for millennia but confusion remains over  who is a Sirian agent and who is an ordinary dog.

Things were clearer in ancient times when, for instance, the jackal-headed Anubis and Set were gods familiar to every Egyptian. When the Greeks knew that Leto, mother of Apollo, would take the form of a dog to hunt with her pack, and sometimes a man would become a wolf at the sacrifice to Zeus; Romulus and Remus were suckled by a wolf, sacred to the Etruscans; the Aztec's had the hairless dog Xolotl to guide them through the underworld; Cerberus guarded the doors of hell; and no respectable god of the Vedas lacked a dog companion. 

When Indra told Dharmaraja dogs weren't allowed in heaven he replied, "Fine, I'll stay out myself". So Indra relented and Dharmaraja's dog transformed into Sarama, the divine bitch.

Dogs don't do so well in the Bible, at least not the Old Testament, with 27 references to dogs as unclean, representing low standing and wickedness.

In the Book of Revelations the Bible talks of the city of God. Inside "are the blessed," outside "are the dogs". Metaphorical, but also literal as the Bible says animals don't have souls and therefore, no place in heaven. Such attitudes do not go down well on Sirius.

Let's be clear though, the above is old-school thinking. It does not reflect the views of modern good-hearted Christians who pray for and expect to reunite with their pets in heaven. After all, the prophet Isaiah says God will include animals in the new Heaven and Earth: "The wolf and the lamb will feed together."

Times have changed and we moderns are not as open as our ancestors were to the idea of aliens among us. Consequently, Sirius has adopted a low profile. The potential for confusion when people see a Sirius shape shifter shifting is just too great. That's where all this nonsense about werewolves comes from.

So, how can you tell a Sirius canine from an Earth canine? Well that's the thing, you can't. Unless, of course, you hear your dog talking. That's a dead give-away.

A Sirius agent will generally appear and behave like any other dog. However, as we move into the promiced new age, more and more people are waking up. Something is going on. Sirius agents are beginning to reveal themselves. Silverfox, for instance, uses my home as a base and is quite open about what he is. As is Winnie, another Sirian in the self created form of a corduroy bear.

In conclusion, in light of the above, Commander Winnie advises we treat our dogs with the greatest respect. All animals for that matter.

After all, you never know just who you might be dealing with.

The Earthling Neil.

The Earthling Neil

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