KALA BEAR WARS : Episode 56

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Milinda of the Archive:

We are happy to report that Lieutenant Silverfox is coming home. Winnie has taken the saucer to America to collect him and also his new friend, Butch the Renegade Alsatian.

Green Dog will be staying in the states for a while, at Commander Winnie's request. She is laying the groundwork for a movie based on the Kala Bear Wars. Winnie wants to prepare the world for open contact with Sirius. (Neil is already pushing for Matt Damon play him in the movie.)

Winnie says it's time for the world to address the approach of Niburu and the Great Transition that has now begun. This chronicle is part of his plan to wake Earth up.

In other news, Winnie has spent the last few weeks in the bush at his retreat centre. He's putting his little band of kala bear rebels through an intensive boot camp. Johny Bee Bear is with him. Johny has proved to be a natural leader with these young kala rebels.

As a demonstration of his faith in young Johny, Lama Winnie initiated him into the secrets of the little known Mother Bear Tantra, a practice Winnie received from the Buddha himself.

Johny has already completed the retreat and 100,000 mantra repetitions that comprise the approach stage of the mother bear. Winnie is now instructing him in the completion stage. It's changed Johny. There's an increasing, well, majesty about him.

As well as the martial arts and meditation training Winnie's kala rebels are getting, he's introduced them to basic cosmology, pretty much blowing their minds.

The kala elders had told them that the Great Bear is made of fire and that the stars are holes in the screen between him and us. They also say that the Great Bear hates Winnie so much he sent his only son, GUteater, to destroy him. Load of rubbish of course, as these young kala's had already suspected.

Winnie took them for a ride in his saucer, explaining how you can fly all the way to the stars themselves and there sure as hell ain't no 'Great Bear made of fire' out there.

Winnie took them for a ride in his saucer, explaining how you can fly all the way to the stars themselves and there sure as hell ain't no 'Great Bear made of fire' out there

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The question now, is how will Silverfox handle young Johny when he gets back. As nice as Johny is, he is still a kala bear and kala bears, with good reason, fear nothing so much as a confrontation with Silverfox.

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