KALA BEAR WARS : Episode 23

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"Nothing exists

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"Nothing exists. Everything is an opinion."
Ash Vaz – The Reality Bible.

We live in a multiverse, an infinity. As humans though, we are limited to what our senses allow us to see, hear and touch.

Take the way our eyes perceive light, a form of energy having wave-like and particle-like properties. When light shines through a prism it separates into the rainbow colours of the visible light spectrum. Each colour has a different wavelength; red long and violet short. This much we can see.

Beyond the red though, are wavelengths longer than we can see, e.g. infrared, microwaves and radio waves. (Yep, radio waves are a form of light.) Beyond violet, short wavelengths include x-rays and gamma rays. We can extend our range with clever tech but who knows what lies beyond that?

What would this mean to beings with senses different to our familiar five? Buddhist cosmology gives us an example of varied perception – 'Humans see a cup of water, an angel sees blissful nectar, a thirst tormented hell being sees puss and poison.'

None of them is seeing what's really there. This so called cup of water is, in fact, nothing but whizzing subatomic particles blinking in and out of existence. It's consciousness, via the senses, that decides this dynamic fizz is water, nectar or pus. We ourselves are creating the things, the worlds, that we perceive.

With this expanded view in mind, let's review the cosmology of the Kala Bear Wars.


Canopus is a gigantic star, 60 times the diameter of our Sol and 13,600 times it's brightness. From Earth, Canopus is the 2nd brightest star in the night sky, with Sirius the brightest. What concerns us here though, is the 'pure land' nature of Canopus.

Perfected Bodhisattvas, upon enlightenment, have the capacity to create a 'pure land' where they can abide. They are accessible there, through prayer and meditation, and from there they emanate in various forms to serve. According to Buddhist cosmology, the Buddha of this age descended from and returned to Tushita Heaven. From Tushita he continues to emanate for the benefit of sentient beings. Christian theology has similar elements: God created heaven. As Christ he descended to Earth, to heaven he rose, returned and rose again. 

The pure land of Canopus, though it exists within the fire of a star, is a paradise. It's creation is the work of the Council of Bodhisattvas who represent the Milky Way Galaxy. Canopus is the guiding force that underlies the evolution of consciousness on Earth, Sirius and the other evolving civilisations of the Milky Way.


Sirius is actually two stars locked in a circular dance. We see them as one though, the brightest star in our night sky. Like our own Sol's system, a number of planets orbit Sirius A and Sirius B. Sirius Home is the main one, a rock and sea planet much like Earth.

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