KALA BEAR WARS : Episode 39

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Mars Reports:

The company huddled together, surrounded by stinking screeching drooling demons hungry for human meat.

Debbi was just about to go berserker, which may have helped, but I doubt it with these nasty wrecks.

All seemed lost.

Then suddenly, a miracle.

A great crack of thunder shook and echoed down the caves.

A giant lotus appeared in the air.

Seated in the lotus was the mighty Padmasambhava (Note 6), Winnie's guru and companion from the old days when they subdued the demons of Tibet together.

 Seated in the lotus was the mighty Padmasambhava (Note 6), Winnie's guru and companion from the old days when they subdued the demons of Tibet together

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The scene, the players, time itself froze.

Rinpoche, the perfection of raw power, locked Debbi with his gaze. I've seen that look before, directed at me. The awesome embodiment of pure love, so authentic it leaves you trembling.

The mighty Padmasambhava then proceeded to show how the true Chod is done. A giant cauldron appeared on a tripod in front of him, bubbling over a crackling fire. Padma emanated another identical form of himself and while the original Padma chanted and beat his ritual drum, this duplicate other Padma opened his own veins and poured his blood into the cauldron. Other Padma then ripped the flesh from his own frame and threw that in too, and finally, his skeleton clambered in. Except for the thigh bone which the original Padma used to stir the bubbling mess.

The demons stood about, spellbound, then Padma invited them to eat.

At first they were afraid of the awesome Padmasambhava, but the draw of the human stew won out. Hunger overcame fear and they fell upon the feast.

When the demons were satiated, they calmed down.

Then Padma Rinpoche addressed them thus:

"Evil ones, my dears, I know you. I feel your pain. Witness, I have taken that pain as my own. I have fed you my body, freely, so that I may be part of you. Know now, your days of addiction to sorrow are over. 

"This is the Covenant I make with you.

"From this day forth I give you refuge. I will walk with you, guide and care for you. In return, I command you, use your power to support and protect my people as your own. Do this and I vow to lead you from horror to bliss."

Om Vajrapani Hayagriva Garuda Hum
(Protection. Breaking from delusions and black magic.)

The contract was sealed.

Padma dissolved into light.

Silence and awe filled the cave.

(Note 6.)
Under the patronage of King Trisong Detson, Padmasambhava established the first Buddhist monastery at Samye in the 8th century.
He also hid various teachings and ritual objects—in caves, cracks in rocks, and under water—to be gradually revealed over time.
These hidden treasures are called termas. The best known of these termas is the Bardo Thodol (The Tibetan Book of the Dead).
It was composed by Padmasambhava and written down by his consort, Yeshe Tsogyal, and buried in the Gampo hills in central Tibet.
It was subsequently discovered in the 14th century by the terton (terma discoverer) Karma Lingma.

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