KALA BEAR WARS : Episode 71

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 The Sirius Council:

Commander Winnie:

"helo everbody, im am winnie and im am ver sad for wat is happen on sirius. this is rilly big poblum but im say we can fix this."

Note: For those unfamiliar with Winnie speak the Archive shall translate:

"Honoured Bears, Honoured Wolves, I present my soldiers from Earth. Lady Gaia herself asked me to bring them, in gratitude for all that Sirius does for Earth." 

A chorus of cheers.

"The situation here is as bad as it can get. I could smell it when we landed. Death and decay. Our lord, Gold Eye, has asked me to take command of this gathered force. I have listened. I have thought hard. I know what to do next. 

"The key is Crystal Mountain. Evil is coming from there. Tonight we rest. Tomorrow we march. To Crystal Mountain."


We settled around the fire, chatted, snoozed, and slept. Only to be blown awake by a crack of thunder, or artillery, or perhaps a sonic boom.

We leapt to our feet. Standing in our midst, over the burning coals of the central fire, was a huge black dog. Sparks crackled around his raised hackles, flames dripped from his slavering mouth. He stepped out of the fire.

The wolves were on him in an instant, a snarling snapping mob, but to everyone's surprise our Josepina walked straight through them. She went to the demon and put her arms around his neck. For this was none other than the mighty Black Dog, her familiar. 

Students of the Archive will remember the part Black Dog played in the rescue of Silverfox. With Winnie on his back he tracked the scent of Silverfox through the dimensional wall and down to the hottest of the hot hells. He ripped the fox's tormenting demons to shreds and carried the fox home.  

Black Dog is the embodiment of every dark thing that lurks in the shadows of the unstable mind. Many have taken their own life rather than face the Black Dog. In Australia the words "Black Dog" are synonymous with depression.

For years Black Dog tormented Josepina but again and again, she faced him down. They circled, they fought, 'til one day he just lay down. She had tamed the storm in him. He gave her his strength as an ally, her protector.

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