KALA BEAR WARS : Episode 46

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The Earthling Neil:

When he first got back from Mars Silverfox was skin and bone. He wouldn't eat. Couldn't sleep. When he did finally drop from exhaustion he would whimper and yelp himself awake.

I'd see him outside, belly flat to the ground, clawing the earth and whining. It made me weep to see the mighty Fox brought so low.

His retreat with Gaia has done him the world of good. He swears he can feel the collar she gave him warming his heart.

Winnie explained some things to me.

It turns out Silverfox has been carrying a terrible burden for the kala bears he has killed, like the seven he ripped apart in the Great Kala Bear Battle last year. He has broken his bodhisattva vow to not kill. And because the vows he took were made to his own enlightenment potential, as much as to his teachers and the Buddha, the karma for breaking them becomes hugely magnified. 

This is what Silverfox meant in his last report when he said, "I earned everything that I received," referring to the dreadful torture GUteater put him through.

During his retreat in Gaia's cave, he undertook various practices to purify the heavy karma he was carrying. This included 100,000 repetitions of the long Vajrasattva mantra, with ritual offerings and affirmations, a tantric practice specifically for the purification of karma. 

The practice involves taking Vajrasattva; an aspect of enlightened mind representing purity and clarity; as the focus. Vajrasattva is visualised as emanating cleansing white light which washes away the meditators accumulation of negative energy (bad karma) before finally being reabsorbed by the mind.

It usually takes 12 (or more) hours a day, over a two or three month period, to complete the 100,000 recitations.

On the last day of his retreat, Silverfox received a visitation. An emanation of Lama Winnie's old friend and guru from their days in Tibet, the mighty Padmasambhava himself. This meant that Silverfox was able to renew his vows in the presence of the guru.

Retaking the broken vow and making a firm commitment to hold it purely, is the final stage of the purification practice.

He also received a blessing from Lady Gaia. The kala bears after all, like all the creatures of Earth, belong to her. Silverfox felt great shame for what he had done and her forgiveness was vital to his recovery. 

A huge burden has now lifted from his heart.

But the greatest blessing of all was waiting for us when we got home. While Silverfox and I were in retreat, Winnie flew over to America and returned with Green Dog, Silverfox's lover. 😮

 She's gorgeous, a lot like a dingo but with a green coat

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She's gorgeous, a lot like a dingo but with a green coat. She's a singer, from Sirius. She came to Earth with Silverfox but she  spends most of her time in America, building a career for herself in Hollywood.

When Silverfox stepped out of the saucer and saw Green Dog waiting there he went bonkers, yipping and skipping about like a puppy.

Winnie tells me Green Dog and Silverfox have been lovers, monogamous soulmates, for three Sirius lifetimes. That's over 300 years in our calendar.

His retreat restored his health, Gaia healed his heart, but it's Green Dog who has truly brought him back to life. Together they have brought joy back into our home.

They flop around on each other and talk for hours. Or they run in the rain forest for days and nights. And they fight, though that must not be confused with fighting as we know it on Earth. For them, their "battles" are a great joy. Winnie tells me Green Dog and the Fox are both champions at Battle, the annual entertainment and celebration back on Sirius.

They never really hurt each other, minor bites and bruises, and more often than not they end up in sexual union. Which I find very embarrassing.

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