KALA BEAR WARS : Episode 6

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The Earthling Neil:

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The Earthling Neil:

As some of you know, along with my synced other half  Silverfox, I've been doing some demon wrestling. I won and I'm pretty pleased with myself when up comes my Daily Tarot reading with:

"You are trying to raise yourself up in others' eyes only to look a fool. Stop asking for others' approval."

Damn! I reckon it's the kala bears, got their little furry knickers in a knot, infiltrating the Tarot to mess with my head. Learn to lose, fur balls!

kala bears...? i might begin to understand your posts if u can give me that one piece of the puzzle?

I will gladly clarify, Ms Coup D'etat:

Some years back, koala bears realised they were losing too many trees to humans. They approached Gaia to argue the case that humans were a parasite, that if they weren't dealt with soon they would destroy planet Earth.

Meanwhile, a variant mutated form of the koala bears appeared, due to their consumption of marijuana. These mutations are the very nasty kala bears, who called for the death of all humans.

Gaia took their case to Canopus where the Bodhisattva Council, whose special interest is the Milky Way Galaxy, locate themselves.

With Canopus' blessing Gaia encouraged the kala bears to unite the non-human inhabitants of Earth; animal and spook (nagas, demons etc.); into a hopefully benevolent force that could curb and control the humans.

However, Gaia was mistaken. There's no benevolence in the kala bears whatsoever. The kalas grew ever more radical, deteriorating into the criminal outfit we now face.

They turned what began as a righteous green renewal into a multidimensional attack on humans, and pretty much anything else that isn't kala bear. They even enslaved the koalas themselves, using them for things too horrid to mention here.

Seeing the kala bear experiment was not going well, and wishing to preserve the humans, Gaia formed a resistance to the kala bear terror that now threatened the great transition of planet Earth itself. (More about the great transition later.)

Gaia enlisted help from various dimensions, just as the kala bears had done.

In recognition of the ancient karmic links between humans and the binary star system of Sirius, Gaia also asked for help from the Sirius shape shifters.

These agents of Sirius now form a motley crew of oddballs who support humans in their struggle with the kala bears.

Silverfox, my synced other half, is one of these agents.

Adding to the confusion in what has come to be known as the 'Kala Bear Wars', Canopus has recognised the intensities of this realm as an ideal training ground for apprentice bodhisattvas. (Note 1.)

This training is multidimensional and often the candidates themselves are not consciously aware of their placement and mission. For instance, the agent Jojo aka Josepina Coup D'etat, suspects there is something going on but just can't quite put her finger on it.

ahh you put a spring in my step today neil....

Thank you, Joey, that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.

(Note 1.)
Bodhisattvas are beings of perfected compassion, wisdom and power who choose not to enter the eternal bliss of Nirvana, but rather return, life after life, to work for the liberation of others.

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