KALA BEAR WARS : Episode 22

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The Earthling Neil:

Winnie and Silverfox are at it again. It's always the same. Silverfox gets bored and starts niggling at Winnie.

Winnie was dancing to Lady Gaga, Silverfox clicked the stereo over to Ry Cooder. Winnie snatched the remote, switched it back. Silverfox snarled so Winnie punched him. Then it was on, Silverfox snarling and snapping, Winnie dodging and punching.

I'm scared what might happen if I try to step in, so I decided to contact Canopus.

Attention Canopus:

Shining Ones, please forgive my presumption in coming to you direct, but I am much concerned about Commander Winnie and Silverfox.

Recently Silverfox messed up a raid on a kala bear lab, causing a mass release of fugsluckers. Winnie knocked him out, dragged him home, and they've been fighting ever since.

They fight over the stereo remote, they fight over who feeds the birds in the morning and who sleeps on the bed at night. And they fight hard. It's terrifying. Just when we need our leaders the most it's like they are possessed. All they do is fight. I don't understand what's going on. I'm seriously worried what will happen if this continues.

So I turn to you, as the only power I know greater than them.

Could you perhaps mediate? Get them to settle down?

Your servant

The Watcher (Neil)

 The Watcher (Neil)

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Canopus replies:

Dear one, our heart is warmed by your concern for Commander Winnie and Silverfox. But you need not worry. We are always aware of everything they do.

Your understanding of what is going on is limited because you see your world through the filter of your human brain. Your confusion frightens you, but be assured, all is well.

With truth and love we say; you trying to understand the actions of Winnie and Silverfox is like a bug trying to understand you.

Original Winnie is a being of immense power. The manifestation that you know as Winnie, the little fat bear, is the tip of the iceberg, the point on the end of the needle, the snow that hides the mountain. The real Winnie is beyond you.

You struggle to understand because you are working with limited information. You have a distorted conception that blocks the larger vision.

Neither can you know the truth of the shape shifting Silverfox. Even when you were fully synced, your experience of him remained superficial. He manifests as a crazy junky fox, apparently always on the edge of losing control, but he is, in fact, a yogi of immense power who knows exactly what he is doing.

This phase that your Winnie and Silverfox are going through, though it appears to you as madness, is the acting out of cosmic forces beyond your comprehension. But be assured dear, they are entirely sane and in tune.

Your planet is beset by disharmony, intolerance, violence. Winnie and the fox have taken this into themselves and they are acting out. By their conflict, another much greater conflict is being averted.

Your planet is difficult comrade, you knew that before you descended. You understood then that you would forget much by incarnating here, and that has happened.

But fear not dear one, be assured, all is as it should be.

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