KALA BEAR WARS : Episode 17

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I'm heading back to Earth, in crystal sync with Winnie, I can give you all an update.

There's been some developments with the fugsluckers.

As soon as Winnie heard about their presence on Earth he suspected kala bear involvement. So he went bush and caught himself one. He boxed the kala 'round the ears and gave him a good shaking, to get him talking. Didn't take long before the kala spilled. They're hopeless under pressure.

Turns out the kalas have abandoned their WMD program. All they did was blow themselves up with their dodgy IEDs. They had a go at bio-weapons too, gave that up when they all got the flu. In fact the only weapon of any value they've come up with, is the opium gas.

So they went back to what they are good at, juju magic. They summoned this nasty demon name of GUteater. Winnie and I know this demon. He has a thing with Winnie, bad blood. This GUteater, he took a crew of kala bears out to deep space, to a fugslucker breeding ground. They collected some breeders and brought them back to Earth.

When Winnie heard this, he kicked the kala's arse and sent him back to his mates with a message  ..... He's challenging them to a full-frontal field battle. 

Winnie says the kalas are getting too cocky, says "tim for thay got a lesson tort". He's calling on the allies to settle their affairs and harden up. 

This one's serious comrades. Expect casualties.

Boom! Boom! Aaaaaatcha! Consider me warned. But I don't want to die.

I know it, Jojo. Neither do I. But we are signed to serve the Bodhisattvas of Canopus and that's where Winnie takes his instruction. We will have their support when it comes to the battlefield.

Winnie just said I should add that if we are to die, Canopus assures that all our soldiers will be met and led through the Bardo. We are guaranteed a good human or Sirius rebirth.

Well that is great to know.... Better 'n' anyfin! If I survive this weekend I'll go a fighting for the cause.... 3 psych assignments and an exam on tues.... I'll be a psych-trekky-ninja-machine! I'll know how to eff with their minds, bro! Psychowarfare! Blah got to go now and crawl into my cave of study. Spews!

helo jopina im am winnie.
them kala bear they so messd up wot they problum?
long plan we gon fix them heds.
short plan we jus gon hit them.


Wendy W:
I have no other regret than that I have only ONE life to give to my friends...

Only one? Come now Wendy. The alters? The avatars? The emanations? And we haven't even started on the variations in other dimensions.

Wendy W:
True, but some of my "others" are rather dark. I'd like to avoid using them unless we need to as a last resort. This one I occupy here is swift, clever, and good at finding fast solutions to tricky AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaproblems.

Go hard. No mercy.

Nicki Minaj:
When you go hard
your nays become yays.
Yankee stadium with Jays and Kanyes.

Gosh. Thanks for that Nicki.

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