KALA BEAR WARS : Episode 29

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Silverfox is kidnapped, by the demon lord GUteater and his kala bear minions.

We have news. I'll hand over to Commander Winnie.
Note - The Commander asked me to edit/translate his comments, for clarity.
- Milinda of the Archive


My soldiers, my friends, let me share what I have learned so far.

Since that horrible creature GUteater kidnapped Silverfox I have run a continual scan, but I can find no trace. GUteater has employed some new kind of mind screen. I do know that the fox is underground, but not the ground of planet Earth. He is not here. I don't know what planet he is on, though signal strength tells me he is still within this solar system.

Then last night I undertook a dream yoga practice and I was able to hook his mind.

This is what he told me.

This is what he told me

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Oh, Winnie, this is very bad. I don't know where I am. I'm chained to the floor. Every day GUteater comes and cuts me, breaks me. At night my body self-heals, and next day he does it all over again. The pain is terrible.

He wants me to deny you, to say that you are not real, that you're just a made-up story, a child's comfort.

As I have never broken my vows to truth he believes that if I say that you are not real, then that will have the strength of a truth. He believes that will cause a shift in The Field, that it will weaken what little magic humans can still access. He believes that you and your story will lose power, and he will gain.

Oh Winnie, my lord, my lama, let him break this body until it dies. I will never deny you.

But today when he came, he said:

"You think this hurts dog? You have no idea what hurt is. This has just been play. Soon you will beg for such torture as relief. You can't imagine the realms of horror I have waiting for you."

Oh Winnie, I am so afraid. I'll never deny you, but the pain, the fear, is eating my soul. Lama, I beg you, find me. Save me.

Ok, good, now what's the plan?

That's up to Winnie hey, as soon as he can locate the fox.
He spends all his time scanning, meditating, and crying.
He's a mess.
He blames himself for not protecting Silverfox.

I'll help I have broad shoulders yes yes an BIG pecs with "KUNDUN" tattooed on... Plus I am a strong Warrior not afraid to fight any1 for justice an the 'Strayan way... Just Holla an I'm in lyke Flynn yess

Absofockinglutely Captain. Winnie wants the same crew he had for the great Kala Bear Battle. That means you too Deb.
Winnie said "im wan thibone debbi for bezerker".

Always my honour to serve... and in any case, its FUN pulling out the beserker! As for the thighbone ... it IS useful to have a direct line to all the spirits and demons and nagas and stuff hanging out near the battle ground for a bit of psychological warfare

Talk about demons, wait till you see the secret weapon Josepina is working on.
It's secret.

Well perhaps best not mention it... don't want the kala bears to start targetting her while her battle scars are still healing!

Dang – never thought of that.
Oh, hang on.
Deb, I just remembered, I made that bit up.

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