KALA BEAR WARS : Episode 61

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Milinda of the Archive:

In my previous report I mentioned the renovations Commander Winnie is doing to the saucer, including adding a swimming pool for Dorothea Dolphin.
Winnie, upon reading,  suggested the Archive should introduce Dorothea "proply".
I concur.

Dorothea Dolphin:

Dorothea Dolphin was born on Athinea, the liquid planet of the Sirius system. And I do mean liquid. Athinea is a huge drop of water the size of Earth's moon. It has no solid core. 

Dorothea was born on Athinea but emigrated to Sirius Home to join her sister, Mary, in the oceans there. It was on Sirius Home that Athinea first met Winnie, a long long time ago.

Here at the Archive we like to include points of history with our reports, so let me give some background to the dolphin story. 

A little know fact of history is that Earth's dolphins and humans were once one race. It went like this. Longer than a long long time ago, when our ancestors flip-flopped out of the sea, there were two options.

Some of those ancestors headed for the trees and swapped fish for fruit. Their flippers grew fingers and they began the long road to life as homo sapiens. Others headed back to the sea and became dolphins.

Sirius had a similar evolution, except there it was dogs or dolphins. They started earlier than us too, and evolved much quicker. Sirius dogs became wolves and bears and seals and foxes, while the dolphins perfected being dolphins.

Once the basic races had sorted themselves out, Sirius was visited by aliens. Very mysterious these aliens. Winnie keeps changing the subject when I ask about them. It was these aliens that taught Sirius the art of shape shifting. The aliens had a human form themselves and that form became the alternate form for shape shifting Sirians.

Those same aliens brought the human form to Earth, embedding it as a goal in our first flip-floppers from the sea, those who headed up the trees.

They don't teach this stuff in schools hey.

All dolphins are telepathic. The Athinean dolphins developed this capacity into powerful forms of meditation and permeated the whole Sirius system with the dolphin mind. They spread love, happiness and a sense of well-being throughout. Earth's dolphins do the same here. Humans are a lot thicker here though, so it's hard to get through.

Which brings us to Dorothea Dolphin, here on Earth as an ambassador and teacher. She is to Earth's dolphins like Silverfox is to our canines.

Winnie and Dorothea became friends a long long time ago, in earlier incarnations, before Winnie became the mighty fighting bear we know today. Dorothea continues to reincarnate in her dolphin form, bringing her persona with her. Winnie doesn't die and reincarnate though. He remakes his stuffed corduroy body, as it wears out, and moves his mind in.

Winnie had already settled on his red corduroy form when he first met Dorothea. His mind was still pretty childish though. He was a learner driver at the time, attending saucer training on Sirius Home. 

One day, in his impatience to get flying, Winnie pinched a saucer from the school and took off. He later justified this as wanting to practice and improve his skills but really, he was just bored. 

Not wanting to be seen, Winnie headed out to sea. He was doing barrel rolls, loop the loop and power dives when...whoops. He failed to pull up soon enough and crashed into the sea. As he had the top down when he crashed, the saucer filled with water. He struggled out of his harness and climbed out on top of the saucer, but it sunk beneath him.

Winnie couldn't swim. He thrashed and kicked but the sea soon soaked through his corduroy skin, into his stuffing, pulling him down.

This wasn't a problem in itself as he doesn't breathe anyway, and he liked watching the fishes that came to watch him, but soon it started getting dark. He was going too deep for the sun.

Now he was worried, then frightened as it dawned on him that he would end up sitting on the bottom of the sea, all alone in the dark. No one would know he was there.

That's when a shadow swam up to him. It was Dorothea. She swam under him. He settled on her back, holding her fin, and they went back up to the sun.

Dorothea took him to the nearest island where exhausted, he fell asleep on the beach.

Next day Winnie lay in the sun on the sand, baking himself dry. It took the whole day. Dorothea kept him company, chatting as she lay in the shallows. By days end they were Best Friends Forevers.

Next day Dorothea began a telepathic chain message that was relayed to the mainland and picked up on crystal net. Finally it reached the base Winnie had nicked the saucer from. They sent a ship and brought him home.

That was like, 3000 years ago.

Winnie and Dorothea have renewed their forms countless times since then. Renewing also, life after life, the commitment they made to always find each other and continue their friendship. That's how they both ended up on Earth, together. 

And that's why Winnie is putting a pool in the saucer, so Dorothea can join him for a holiday back home, on Sirius.

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