KALA BEAR WARS : Episode 18

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helo everbody ima winnie on the air

ima be a winnie be a corduroy red bear

ima lil bit famus wif a facebook clan

i like lady gaga and i danse like african

jenny is me mummy and she kep me ina cuberd

sposed to hep me meditate but i get fluba guberd so

i made anuver body and i fly over a noshen

now i live wif neil he fun

he miricul in moshen

he crazy man he al mes up he luv the opium

is good for me coz i grow up for lookin afta him

ima mity fiter ima gangsta in the bush

find yu clos up to the edg i givin yu a push

i got miself a army and we fite the kala bear

we fite al thru the multivers on sirius and heer

my bes fren from sirius he nam of silverfox

got silver fur a long blac tail and 4 blac sox

he got a fugslucker in his brain and silver turn to gray

he scary me and mes up neil and then he run away

i seen him flotin round pluto so i call Sirius

they got fugslucker outa him and now he bac wif us

wer al ver hapy now and danse and larf and play

i hope you ver happy too coz happy is the way

this made me HAPPY!

That makes me HAPPY! 😊

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