KALA BEAR WARS : Episode 45

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The Earthling Neil:

My retreat on Kangaroo Island was wonderful. I had a simple self-contained hut, tucked away in the bush. And being  a Buddhist retreat centre, complete privacy was guaranteed. It's so rare, in our modern world, to be left completely alone. I'm as extrovert as I am introvert so I'm fine in the world but oh, what bliss, when the introvert is allowed his space.

So anyway, after a month alone, Winnie picked me up in the saucer. We flew back home via; actually, I can't tell you where 'cause it's a secret location; to pick up Silverfox.

We landed on a big flat rock by a gorgeous little river, sparkling and tumbling along in the morning sun. We had a swim in a crystal-clear pool, with fishes.

Winnie likes to swim but he gets soaked and sinks and I have to pull him up. It takes him ages to dry, but with the sun up he was happy to bake on the rocks.

In the afternoon we walked a couple of kilometres upstream till we reached a waterfall.

Behind the water, like in the movies, there was a hidden entrance to a cave. This was the cave that Lady Gaia had given to Winnie for his retreats.

We proceeded in and down and it soon grew dark. Then Winnie clapped his paws and out of the darkness there floated up two glowing crystal globes, radiating a soft light. Winnie explained that they were semi-sentient Sirius glow crystals, a gift from him to Gaia.

Bounding up after the glow crystals came Silverfox, followed by Lady Gaia herself, heart and soul of planet Earth.

My god, she's gorgeous.

Gaia was dressed in a simple white cotton dress, belted at the waist with a chain of ivy. She had a glorious mane of green hair, woven through with flowers and sweeping down past her wide womanly hips. She was adorned with crystal and silver jewellery and wore a floral crown.

She picked up Winnie and kissed him. Still holding Winnie like a child on her hips she reached for me and drew me to her other side, arm around my waist.

"So, you must be Neil. Winnie's told me all about you. Bit of a bad boy I hear."

She laughed lightly and kissed me on the cheek. I swear, she was flirting. My heart swelled.

"Come, rest, we'll have tea."

She led us to an open cavern, the glow crystals taking strategic positions around the walls for the best lighting effect. You could tell they enjoyed their role.

Gaia had magically gathered and arranged all the mineral beauty of Earth into this one majestic space. The walls were white quartz with flowing veins of yellow gold. The floor was polished blue lapis lazuli. Water trickled from a line of natural springs high in the white quartz walls and down into a marble pool. Crystal clusters protruded from the walls. Hanging from the crystals and heaped on shelves were jewelled necklaces, silver and gold bangles, brooches and tiaras. And there were crowns, piles and piles of abandoned crowns, gifts from ancient Kings and Queens.

We sat, Gaia clapped and a little fire appeared with a steaming teapot resting on a tripod. Cups appeared and a bowl for Silverfox.

Gaia poured us tea.

We chatted away. I talked about Kangaroo Island, Winnie talked about Sirius. Later Silverfox and I left Winnie and Gaia alone, to discuss the kala bear situation. Silverfox took me on a tour of the cave. He showed me the underground stream and the little rock cell he'd occupied for his meditations.

When we returned it was time to say goodbye.

Gaia had a present for Silverfox. A collar she had made from ancient salvaged leather that she'd edged with silver and given a silver buckle. It was adorned with studs of polished rose quartz. A beautiful thing.

"Wear this dear fox and it will heal your heart."

Silverfox told me later he would never take the collar off because he needs the best heart he can get.

Then it was time for us to head for home.

It was just the best day.

Back in the saucer, Winnie told us that he had a big surprise waiting at home.

"best surpise everr" he said.

Winnie hey, just full of surprises.

Pic : Lady Gaia.

Pic : Lady Gaia

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