KALA BEAR WARS : Episode 83

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Sirius Beach Party:

With Evil gone, Sirius came alive like we hadn't seen before. 

We made our way through the forest, lunching on the fresh fruits that were suddenly everywhere. Silverfox and Green Dog took me aside to sample some of the herbal highs that grow naturally here. 

My friend Bumble Bear and others joined us and we played this mad game of chasey through the forest, laughter bouncing off the trees. What a relief to just have fun. We reached the beach by mid afternoon. Snow white sands and sapphire blue sea. Sirius White Star a huge white opal in the pastel blue sky.

The whole company gathered; bears, wolves, humans, assorted others, sun baking and catching waves.

The waves here, with three moons taking turns to pull on them, are huge. Gravity is less though, so they don't crush when they crash down on you. You can't get much higher than flying across the face of a thundering four-story Sirius wave. And what fun to wipe out, tumbling about like in a giant washing machine. No drowning 'cause the water on Sirius is so highly oxygenated it can be breathed. A good spluttering cough after a wipe out leaves the lungs fresh and clean as a baby's.

We spent hours playing in the waves with the dolphins and seals. Bears and wolves too came in for a clumsy splash around but they were happier laid out on the sand, soaking up the afternoon sun.

The seals kicked off a game of Sirius volleyball with a sponge thing. No sides, no winners, just keeping the sponge in the air with leaping flipper slaps. Astonishing acrobatics.

Me and Silverfox joined in. I wasn't much for sure but a soggy Silverfox, flip flopping around, trying to get his paws in the air, was surely the funniest thing in the cosmos. 😄

I headed back to the beach for a rest and a herbal recharge. Silverfox and Green Dog joined me and we walked into the forest where I found my new buddy, Bumble Bear, giggling with his friends. They'd found a patch of bright eye and were laughing like idiots at god knows what.

Then we played hide and seek. Hopeless of course 'cause Green Dog and Silverfox kept sniffing me out. Later, back on the beach, the whole company sat in quiet reflection while sinking Sirius White Star painted the sky soft with pastel pinks and purples.

We lit a huge fire. The seals flopped up and lay about in the fire glow. Green Dog sang and we took turns at mime and act outs.

Silverfox did a hilarious rendition of Commander Winnie fighting Evil Winnie, but since Evil is just an illusion Silverfox played it by punching himself.


I could not possibly be happier than here, at this moment, far away among the stars.

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