KALA BEAR WARS : Episode 82

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Sirius Recovers:

The change, the healing, began the moment Evil Winnie sparkled into nothingness. The tension in the air dissolved and a song of joy burst from the crystal walls.

We made our way out of the caves, into the light. The scene outside was devastating. The killing field was strewn with corpses. Wandering among the dead were the remnants of Evil Winnie's army, dazed and confused.

With Evil Winnie gone, his addled minions were released from their illusory chains. Once Commander Winnie exposed the truth of Evil's illusion, the fascination that held his minions transfixed broke down. The poor creatures were never evil in themselves, they were trapped by Evil's charisma.

Our bears and wolves picked their way through the devastation, lending what aid they could to the wounded and the dazed. Gold Eye, the Wolf Soul of Sirius, set about reclaiming souls and making pack.

We spent a long sad afternoon gathering the corpses into a huge funeral pyre. We gathered as the sun went down. The wolves howled and the bears wept. Winnie led the gathering in good wishes for dead and when he was done, the pyre was lit.

The grief of Sirius mingled with the smoke of the fire and rose into the Bardo where care bear spirits waited for the dead, to comfort and guide them back to new bodies.

No one slept that night

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No one slept that night. In the morning we spread the ashes of the fallen on the dead ground. Finally, exhausted, we lay down to sleep. When we woke in afternoon, we were surrounded by new shoots of green growth. 

Winnie called the company together.

"my frens my soljers. it ver sad wat happen here. im am ver sad. gold eye is ver sad."

Winnie hung his head and we joined in final good wishes for the dead. 

Om Mani Padme Hum.

Winnie raised his head, put his paws on his hips. 

"now sad is finish. now is time for holiday. proper real one this time, like i promise. we gon go to the beach. im wan you al shood meet jebus dolphin. he ver speshul. ver important. he gon com back to earth wif us."

Note - Regarding the Bardo:
Upon death, consciousness leaves the physical body and enters the Bardo, the intermediary state between lives. There it experiences visions.
The first to arise is the clear light. In the Buddhist tradition, meditators train themselves to recognise and hold this 'clear light of the void' as it can be the key to release the mind from birth and death altogether.
For the majority though, the clear light passes in a flash.
It is followed by various karmically generated visions, both hellish and heavenly.
The last Bardo vision, is that of a copulating couple.
Drawn by the desire for life, and depending on previous karmic connections, the bardo consciousness joins with the  egg and sperm and a new life begins.

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