KALA BEAR WARS : Episode 4

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KBNews : Queensland.

Five more bodies have been found in Kondalilla National Park. Evidently they were a hiking group who roamed off track.
The bodies were mutilated, eviscerated, and their guts flung into the trees. The heads were removed and according to the coroner "sexually interfered with" post-decapitation.
The bodies show claw marks that, apparently, match those of a koala bear. The authorities have issued a statement claiming, "These so-called claw marks have obviously been staged by the perpetrators to confuse police". The coroner however insists, "It is our expert opinion, no matter how unlikely, that this was a genuine  koala attack".

It does indeed seem unlikely that koala bears could be responsible for such horrors. They are a sedate and peaceful race. Nevertheless, rumours are rife of a vicious koala mutation dwelling deep in the hidden valleys of Kondalilla. The authorities are dismissing this as idle, ridiculous, and mischievous speculation. Locals, however, say there is definitely something going on with the koala population. There are numerous reports in areas close to the park of a new blue-eyed form of the normally brown-eyed koalas, seen roaming around and peering in windows.

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