KALA BEAR WARS : Episode 2

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King of Pigs:

The humans go too far.
We pigs accept our karmic place in the food chain, we serve the natural order. Humans though, are far from natural. They are a cruel and greedy race. They cage and torture us, as they do with much of their preferred food.
It's beyond horror what they do to the chickens.
Humans will even take a gun and kill a free animal for no more reason than "fun".
It doesn't end with torture and fun killing either. They also destroy whole habitats, even whole species.
They must be culled, preferably wiped out. As such the pig nation has joined the kala bears in their war. We have released a new cross strain of kala pig flu.
This new strain will hit the humans far harder than us.
If nothing else it will make them think twice about eating us.

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