KALA BEAR WARS : Episode 10

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 A Short History of Winnie (aka Commander Lord Winnie the Only).

Winnie is not to be confused with Winnie the Pooh. He knows the pooh bear and likes him very much but our Winnie is a Sirian care bear. He moves between Sirius and Earth. For the last thousand years though, Earth has been his main base.

Winnie has a self created body (something the spiritually advanced are able to do) which he discards and reforms when it gets too frayed. He settled on the red corduroy form ages ago. Except his last incarnation when he chose a white form instead. White was a better fit for his time with Tibet's abdominal snowmen.

Winnie was famous in Tibet for his work in taming mountain demons. Vicious things mountain demons. Even today they're killing climbers on Everest. Winnie fought a great battle with a demon lord (name of GUteater) in those mountains. We'll come back to that later.

In his present life, Winnie incarnated as protector and friend to the child Jenny. They were as close as girl and bear can be.

When Jenny grew she met Neil and the three of them formed a powerful bond. It was not the first time these three had come together though. Jenny, Neil and Winnie have connected many times, over many lives.

While Jenny travelled in India, Winnie stayed with Neil in the Queensland bush. It was there they met their first kala bear. Winnie immediately recognised the threat and shouted "kala bear kala bear".

Neil thought that was just Winnie speak for koala bear and so he missed the warning. He approached the kala which immediately went for his throat.

Neil used his ninja skills to defend but the kala was rapidly overpowering him. That's when Winnie piled in and delivered his devastating corduroy paw punch.

The kala staggered around, blue on blue eyes (like the desert Fremen of Dune) flashing like cop lights. These blue on blue eyes are the clearest indicator of a kala bear. The sneaky buggers tend to squint though, to hide this.

Winnie stayed with Neil while Jenny travelled. Later she ordained as a Buddhist nun, based in America, and Winnie went to join her there.

Original Winnie is still with Jenny in America, while his young avatar has rejoined Neil in Australia.

Milinda of the Archive.

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