Chapter (11)

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No ones pov

Lolita had spent all day texting her new friends, she was pretty excited that something positive had come into her life and quite frankly she didn't plan on letting it go. She searched through her closet for the cutest outfit she owned. She has never been to a Brentwood party but she assumed it was way different from a cholo filled one so she wanted to look slutty but sexy at the same time. She pulled out a blue skirt and a blue off the shoulder crop top. As she was getting dressed she got a text from Claire saying that Chester was coming to pick her up. She finished getting ready as she grabbed her things making her way outside waiting for him to pull up.

Oscar had been outside all day since lolita had been dropped off. He couldn't help but to wonder how she had came across these people... he always kept an eye on her front door and never once did she leave her home. He saw her step outside and instantly stood up going over to her sidewalk. Lolita took a look at oscar and rolled her eyes looking at the road. "You can ignore me all you want but I'm not going anywhere" Oscar said as he came closer to her now. "I wish you would leave me alone thanks... my boyfriend will be here any second now" she knew her and Chester wasn't dating she just hoped when she played this he would go along with it. As soon as she moved Chester pulled up getting out. Lolita beat him to saying hello. " hey baby" she ran over to him as she gave him the biggest hug ever. He was confused until he saw Oscar and went along with it.

" hey beautiful" he picked her up a bit then pulled away from the hug as he planted a kiss on her lips. "everything alright" he looked at Oscar as he kept a secure grip on Lolita. " yeah we good" Oscar backed up back to his house as he kept eyeing them, soon enough they were down the street long gone. He signed as he slumped back on his chair outside, he missed her more than anything and he wanted her back he just didn't know how to break the ice between them but it was already to late.

Lolita looked over at Chester as he had the music up and his top down as always. He looked very handsome... he drove with one hand on the wheel and the other on her leg. She was very comfortable with him and may have been developing a little crush but he didn't know she hoped. " thanks for helping me out back there.." Lolita looked directly at him as the car came to a stop at the red light. " you looked uncomfortable... it was nothing for a pretty lady like you" his comment made her blush, she hadn't gotten a compliment like that in months so this all felt new to her. " I didn't mind pretending to be your boyfriend either.. maybe I should drop you off so we can continue to give a show" as those words came from his mouth her cheeks were in flames. "sorry I'm just really nervous, it's been awhile since I've had any type of flirting happen with me" he looked at her confused as he started driving again.

" well there's a lot you guys don't know about me...  I was in a bad accident that was life threatening, I guess you could say I was out for a couple of months but I was able to get the heart transplant that I needed... I lost my memory and so now I'm just trying to jog everything back together and connect the missing pieces but it's hard" Lolita sighed as she rubbed her forehead. " my mom and sister are dead and now I'm just left with my father who barely ever gave a shit about me until now" she felt herself starting to tear up as she blinked them away before he could notice. Chester pulled the car over as she looked at her. " hey it's okay you don't have to be pretend you are okay... I'm not judging you" he leaned over and hugged Lolita as she finally was able to break down after everything. It had been so long since she felt this pain about her mom and sister passing.

She felt that she could trust Chester and maybe even let him in but another part of her was saying no, because every time she gets close to someone it always goes up into flames or the person dies. She pulled away from the hug as he wiped her tears away leaving a small kiss on her lips. " you ready" Lolita nodded as they made there way to the party.

She didn't want to ruin the night so she tried her best to steer clear of any drama or things that could go wrong. She also stayed with Chester most of the night as they danced, drank, and talked out by the pool about anything that would come to mind. " I remember this one time I was trying to Impress this boy because he was one of the cutest guys I had seen at the time so me and my friend were like dancing next to the pool I don't know how I slipped but I did and next thing I knew I was in the pool and he saw the whole thing I was so embarrassed" I giggled as Chester busted out laughing making me laugh. "okay that's pretty embarrassing" he took a sip of his drink as he stood up sticking his hand out.

I grabbed it as he pulled me up walking over to everyone else with his arm around me. " hey Claire and Rosa" I hugged both of them as they hugged me back. " you look edible" Rosa winked at me as she looked at me and Chester with a smile on her face making me laugh. " y'all are cute together... I like it" she whispered in my ear as she pulled me away from him over to where her and Claire were sitting. " you and Chester look real comfortable" Claire nudged my shoulder as she took a sip of her drink smiling. " I hope I'm not like stepping on any toes or anything" Rosa quickly spoke out. " oh no Chester actually needs a girlfriend... if you didn't know me and come are dating and then Claire and zach are working on something" I nodded my head as they spoke. " you just fit perfectly into the group you know" I smiled at them as we all continued talking.

I was finally at peace and no one could ruin this.

Okay this chapter was kind of longer than the others have been yay me 🙃

La Mariposa|| oscar Diaz *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now