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I had to wait a day until my dad was released but now me and him were at the house and no one knew I was here or that my dad was free and I planned to keep it that way so no one would come for us again

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I had to wait a day until my dad was released but now me and him were at the house and no one knew I was here or that my dad was free and I planned to keep it that way so no one would come for us again. "The note was on your bed and they had help getting into our house I took out the guys who kidnapped me but I'm sure it's more of them if Kirsten was working with others than we need to find her on our own" I sat on the bed as he went through his things.

" if I knew my wife one place she always wanted to run to was her parents house in Albuquerque" he started packing a bag as I walked to my room and did the same " well you aren't going alone they brought me into this so guess what I'm coming also" I yelled out as I put somethings inside and walked back to his room " I'll be right back" I ran across the street to oscars house.

" hey where have you been" I pushed him inside as I closed the door " I have to leave baby me and my father are leaving to find his wife we know she's in Albuquerque and the faster we get to her the faster we can clear some of this hell up that's been going on" I said as he walked into his room " well I'm not letting you go alone I'm going to bring jose also he can be trusted" he took his phone out texting him as we sat on the bed.

" I'm going to drop clem off with salem she's the only person we can trust right now" I walked into her room as she laid down watching tv " hey baby mama and papa have to go do a surprise visit somewhere to get something special for you" she sat up smiling as I said it " can I go" she started jumping up and down as I smiled lightly " no but we will be back very soon you are going to stay with salem and Noah your favorite people" she went and grabbed her princess bag as I started putting some clothes in it.

" I love you so much and so does papa" I hugged her tightly as Oscar walked into the room hugging us both. He kissed her forehead as she looked at us both " bring me back something big" I felt the tears coming down because what If we didn't return " I'll try baby" I wiped it away as I picked her up and grabbed her bag " I love you clem" Oscar yelled out to her as she smiled big " I love you papa" .

I put her in her car seat and then got in driving to Noah's place. I kept looking at her through the mirror. I couldn't help but to hope we returned back to her I would hate for them to have to break the news to my baby that I'm gone and not coming back ever.

I parked the car grabbing her bag and getting her out as we knocked on the door " hey babies" salem smiled as she rubbed her stomach she was 6 months pregnant and I was happy to know she was happy and still dating the guy from before " hey I'm here to drop clem off" I gave her the bag as clem ran inside "be safe and call me everyday please" she hugged me tightly as I hugged her back trying not to cry. " I love you" I walked away getting back in my car as I drove back to my house to get my dad.

I walked inside as he sat on the couch with our bags " we are ready to go" I drove us over to oscars house and parked my car in the back as he moved his also "Jose was about to get us another car so we are good" we put our things inside as me and Oscar got in the front while Jose and Blaine got in the back my dad drove on his own because he wanted to be alone which I didn't mind.

" y'all ready for this" Blaine asked as I shook my head yeah. The car was loaded with so much shit. Jose got them connections.

I looked out the window as we followed behind my dad " whatever happens these next couple of days I just want to say I love you guys and thanks for coming with me" Jose put his arm on my shoulder as he looked at me " I'd do anything for you lo and you know that" I nodded my head as I looked at Blaine "you been my girl since high school this is nothing" I smiled at them as I cut the music up and just riding.

No words Lmaoo
And don't forget to vote you guys read and don't vote which makes no sense to me at all!!! I don't feel as if you guys like the story when you are just a ghost reader!! I WANT FEEDBACK AND PEOPLE TO VOTE !!! If I don't get any votes I'm not updating this book !!

La Mariposa|| oscar Diaz *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now