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I woke up feeling the bed next to me empty as I rolled over in the covers yawning. I was really tired from last night but I knew I couldn't sleep all day. I went into the bathroom and washed up as I walked downstairs hearing talking. " so how long have you and Lolita been together" Selena asked Oscar which made me stay on the stairs " I mean I've know her for awhile and we've always had something but me and her are broken up" Oscar said to her.

" so she wouldn't mind if I tried to get with you" Selena said I looked around the corner and seen her walking over to him he pushed her back a bit as she kept trying to push up on him " I'm good" he walked into the living room sitting next to clem as she followed him.

" I'm just saying think about it" she sat next to him as I walked downstairs " GoodMorning babies" I leaned down and kissed Clem's face and then gave Oscar a kiss on the lips as the door opened " y'all don't ever knock anymore" I laughed as Jose walked in with his sidekick Benny behind him.

" let's go outside we have some shit to talk about" Oscar said as he got up and Benny followed " how has my baby been" Jose asked as he wrapped his arm around my neck playfully choking me "I'll be good once you move boy" he backed up and flicked me off as I laughed " don't make me get daisy I've seen y'all flirting around here" he looked at me with a smirk before to the door.

" at least Clementine loves me" she giggled as he tickled her and then walked outside " but you'll always be on mami's side right baby" she nodded eagerly as I kissed her cheeks " that's mamas baby" I walked into the kitchen and fixed her some cereal as she watched Dora on her iPad " you don't ever feel like you kiss her to much" Selena asked as she walked into the kitchen looking at me.

" no she's my baby I can kiss her as much as I want... look you are out staying your welcome here you need to find some family and get the fuck out of my house" I rolled my eyes as I opened the door for her "I helped you get here and now you are just being disrespectful so here's the door" she scoffed at me as she walked outside.

" you can keep the clothes I have more" I closed the door as she walked down the street as I rolled my eyes. How dare she disrespect me in my own home first flirting with Oscar and then trying to tell me how to parent with my own kid " who does she think she is" I said to clem as she shrugged her shoulders "I'm glad she's gone... I didn't like her" for her to be her age she was very smart.

I picked her up and went to the room changing our clothes into something comfortable " want to come with mami" she looked around before answering "yeah" I grabbed her hand before going outside and getting into my car " I'll be back in a couple of hours oscar me and clem are going to the studio" he nodded his head as I left.

I haven't danced in awhile I wasn't sure if I still had it or not but we will find out today.

I finally pulled into the studio as I noticed it wasn't many people here today. I got clem out and walked inside as I seen Andy sitting at the front desk "Lolita, I was not expecting to see your beautiful face anymore" he smiled as he handed me the key to the room I always used " who's this cute little pumpkin" he asked as he tapped Clem's nose making her giggle.

" my daughter her names Clementine she's here to dance with me" he smiled at us as I walked into the room setting out stuff down. I started stretching as clem copied because she didn't know what she was doing " you are so cute" I said to her as she fell on her butt.

I cut on some random music and just started dancing until Billie Eilish everything I wanted came on.

I created a dance in my head and went with it.

This is all leading up to something great I promise !!!

La Mariposa|| oscar Diaz *Editing*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora