Chapter (14)

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Things had been going well for me these past couple of months I was happy and in a great relationship with Chester. I hung out with the girls everyday he had football practice and his team was practically getting used to me now, I would surprise him at practice with snacks and stuff and then I ended up being everyone something which they all liked. Me, Chester, and clem have been spending so much time together it was my last day with her because Oscar missed her. " mama do I have to go" she kicked her legs out as she pouted at me making me smile at how adorable she was. " your papa wants to see you so yes baby" her birthday was coming up soon so I had a lot I had to plan out for her. " well just one day with him and then I come back" I looked at her and laughed. " little girl you can not negotiate with me how about a week and then you can come back" she giggled and sat in my lap.

" Fine mama... but you owe me ice cream" she tapped my nose which made me smile. Me and Clementine had become even closer and it was a bond I was fond of she was my light and joy and having to send her over to oscars did break my heart because she was so far away and I couldn't trust him to keep her safe. " hey beautiful" I heard chester say to clem as I rubbed my heart. " wow so I'm not beautiful either" I giggled as clem stuck here tongue out at me. " of course you are baby, y'all are both my special girls" he picked clem up and kissed my forehead as he put her on the bed and dropped his football stuff grabbing somethings to shower. " I know she has to go see oscar so how about we go get ice cream before we drop her off" it's crazy how he knew what she wanted.

" see that's why you are my favorite" she kissed his cheek as he smiled at her walking into the bathroom. " why can't he be my papa" she laid next to me in the bed looking at me so serious. " because you arrays have one baby" I sat up moving her in between my legs as I combed through her hair with my hands. "but it's not the same anymore mama... he has some girl over and she hits me and papa doesn't care" she started looking sad which broke my heart and also made me angry because that bitch was hitting my daughter. I got up putting on some protective shoes and then threw on chesters hoodie which was now mines and then got clem ready as Chester walked out the bathroom. " hey what's going on" I sat her down and followed him back into the bathroom.

" Oscar is letting his girlfriend hit my baby" my blood was boiling because I was upset. " what the hell why would he let her hurt his child" he wrapped his arms around me as he tried to calm me down which was working until my phone went off showing his name. " can you take us over to his place" I picked clem up as she was eating some snacks that were in chesters bag. " I got hungry sorry papa" she giggled as he looked shocked that she called him that. I'd have to have a talk with him about that later. I put her in her car seat buckling her in and then got in the front as he started up the car making his way over to oscars side of town.

It was a big difference from this side and Chester side of town. I cut up the radio as no idea by Don Toliver blasted through the speakers. Chester let the top back as he was speeding down the road to oscars house. I hummed to the song as he came to an end and we parked. I got out as Chester did the same going to get clem out as well. She held onto him as he put her on his hip following me. " Lolita" Jose ran over to me hugging me. " how you been little one" he tapped on clem as she giggled he was always her favorite. " good where is my candy" she squealed as he started tickling her. " I don't have it but here but as much as you want" he gave her 20 bucks and I knew she would do exactly that with her money spend it on candy. " where is oscar and his slutbag" he pointed around back as they both came up front just when I was about to walk back.

" hey princess" Oscar said as he walked over to Clementine making her smile at him " hey" she said as he looked at her confused because usually she calls him dad or something. " so you just been letting her hit on my daughter" she looked at me and smirked as I reached over oscars shoulder yanking her by her hair as she screamed. " what the hell lolita" Oscar yelled but I had already started what I wanted to do I started punching her over and over again until I felt like she didn't deserve it anymore. "fucking bitch don't ever text my baby again you dumb ass hoe" I kicked her in the head before walking away and back around to where everyone could see me. " hey what happened" Jose asked as he looked back seeing Oscar carrying vicky. " oh nothing" I dusted my hands off and got in the car as they both followed behind me.

" so ice cream anyone" Chester laughed to himself as he drove us to the nearest shop around, it was pretty empty at this time of night we all got out and made our way inside as clem found us a seat. " I'm sorry you had to see well somewhat see that" I grabbed onto his shoulder as the girl walked over to us smiling he leaned down kissing my forehead as the girl spoke. " hi welcome to... Chester" she looked up at him with the biggest smile on her face as I scanned over the different flavors. " what are you doing here" she asked as I looked up, " isn't it obvious we are getting ice cream i would like a 2 red velvets in a cup and whatever Chester is getting" he kissed me before I walked over to sit with clem.

Back with Chester

" she's a little rude... who is she" amber asked me. "she's not rude she's just very blunt that's all and she's my girlfriend everyone knows that and I want the rocky road thanks" I walked over to my seat after I paid as well all waited for the ice cream. " I know her from school that's pretty much it we've had maybe one or two conversations at most" I said before lolita could say anything. " I trust you babe" she leaned over pecking my lips as she looked over at clem playing in her hair. " thank you for being here for both of us" she said as I watched them both. They had become my world in such a little bit of time and I was glad they were in my life.

Don't be mad guys but I like them together 🗿 more than her and Oscar just a little sorrrrryyyyy

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