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Oscar and I haven't spoken much since the whole accident but we did end up having sex and the bad thing is I enjoyed it. If I wanted to drop clem off I just got salem or Noah to do it for me because they knew about the incident that had went down. "Hey babe I'm going over to my house today I'll be back later" I screamed out to Chester as I made my way out the house and into my car going back over to the other side of town.

-30 minutes later-

I parked my car and looked over to see the usually cholos outside either drinking or laughing until my eyes landed on Oscar which made me turn quickly and enter my house. It was exactly like how I left it since the last time I was here cleaning it up I walked inside the kitchen as I stuck my hand into the cookie jar taking one out and munching on it. I sat my phone down as I played random music and walked upstairs to my room. Everything was normal and exactly how I left it which was great but at the same time I missed my father.

"Gosh I miss you dad" I rubbed my fingers over a picture of us as I felt the tears starting to come down being alone without him, my mom, or my sister felt like I was In this world alone I was scared to visit him because I didn't want to see him like that but I had to be an adult now and take on those responsibilities and try and get him out of jail. His wife took off with the kids and left I haven't heard from her since a couple days before he got arrested.

I walked into there room as I noticed a note placed on the bed I picked it up before looking around the room.

You thought you could escape what we had planned but this is only the beginning, jail May be your home now but 6ft under is always where you will belong. Your daughter is still beautiful maybe I'll get her for my beautiful collection of women
- J.H

I dropped note as I was now scared... someone set my dad up and wants to kill him I ran outside with the note In my hand as I crossed the street making my way over to oscars house. He was the only person I knew could help me with something like this "Oscar I need to speak with you" it came out trembly and he could sense something was wrong so his manner in getting up and coming was very quick "has anyone come by my house" I asked him as he shook his head no "we have someone watching it at all times I haven't seen anyone drop by" he said as I shoved the letter into his chest with the tears now falling down my face.

"What the hell is this then... someone is after my father and he can't pay his debt so now it's on me" I cried out to him as he knew I was in fear "I don't know what kind of stuff he got into or if he was running but now it's up to me to find out what it is and protect me and my daughter" I said to oscar as I left him with the note as I got into my car and drove to the one person I knew could help me most.

:) here's the drama I never promised would come !!! Lolita is about to come back as the old her and this time there is not going back to nice her.

La Mariposa|| oscar Diaz *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now