Chapter (15)

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Today was Friday, Clementine was at daycare and I had just finished my school work for the day so I walked over to the tv cutting on YouTube and going to my favorite song Like it by summer walked and 6lack. I started cleaning the house as I danced around until there was a knock on the door which threw me off because Chester wouldn't be home until later and I wasn't expecting company. I walked over to the door dropping my things in the chair as I looked through the peep hole to see Oscar and some of his boys. " what do you want" I said in a stern tone as I opened the door " no need to be all hostile I just came to talk" he said as he tried to walk in but i blocked his way. " talk about what ain't nothing left for us to discuss" I paused the tv moving over to let him and Jose in. " make it quick I'm busy" I stated as he sat down.

I stood in front of him and Jose looking my best to keep a straight face but Jose was making it hard with all the silly faces he would make in the back. " whats happening between us... we used to be able to depend on each other for any and everything" he looked lost without me but I couldn't give him what he wanted if I lost all my happiness within him. " I'm not sure but I'm sorry Oscar you let me down when I found out you had a baby on the way and then my sister dying and my mother... all because of some stupid gang drama I don't want anything to happen to me or my daughter so if being away from you keeps us safe then so be it" I screamed at him as the tears started to flow. " you can't protect us if you can't even keep your dick in your pants" I wiped my eyes as he looked lost for words.

" you don't know how bad that hurt to find out from another female that she's pregnant do you.... no you don't because I've never cheated on you oscar that's the different so please do me and clem a favor and just stop trying to get us back together before you lose me and her all together... you know the way out" I walked into the kitchen as I heard the front door slam as I slide down on the wall letting the tears fall. My whole life I wanted to be with Oscar but with all the pain and emotions I had built up over time, I realized that our relationship was anything but the best and I needed time for me and to be happy.

I got up from the ground making my way into my room as I looked for something cute to put wear to chesters game tonight. I decided to go with something simple but cute I applied a little bit of makeup and then grabbed the rest of my things as I walked outside to see oscar and his crew still sitting. I made sure not to look over at them as I got inside the car and went to pick up Clementine it was now 6:30 and the game started @ 7 so I had just a little time to get me and her some good seats and inside the game.

-20 minutes later-

We finally arrived I had just parked and bought our tickets to get inside when I seen Rosa and Claire I held onto clem as we made our way over to them sitting. " hey beautiful girls" Claire said as she picked up clem who was starting to become her favorite at this point. They all met her awhile back. " I'm pretty excited to watch my man play" I giggled to Rosa as she looked through all the guys. " girl yes Cole is right there and then Chester is on that side" she pointed them both out as I smiled he was #2.

The game had finally started as I watched intensely making sure to cheer for my man anytime he did something great. " thats my number 2" I yelled out as some girls started looking at me with glares but I didn't care he looked back at me and winked making my heart stop. " y'all are end game man... it's adorable how much he adores you" Claire said as she sat back down with clem they had went to the concession stand and looks like clem emptied Claire's pockets tonight, I couldn't help but giggle to myself because it was funny. " share with mana baby" she fed me some of her nachos as I smiled.

" yeah I'm very happy with Chester it's the happiest I've been in a long time and I don't want to lose that to anything you know" Rosa shook her head yeah as she leaned closer to me. " y'all were meant for each other and I see the connection y'all have he looks at you the same way he would look at anyone woman he loves and that is amazing and also what I would call true love... thank you for coming into his life and making him better " she held onto me tight as those words came out her mouth making me smile. " thank you guys for taking me into your group knowing my background and not judging me either" I hugged her back as she smiled.

" you are family now girl" the game was now coming to an end as we both started cheering for our guys with the help of clem and Claire. We all ran onto the field afterwards and me and clem met up with Chester as he put his arm around my shoulder walking us back to the locker room. " thanks for coming to support me it felt nice having my two favorite girls here" those words melted my heart but clem acted on it. " I love you papa" she said so cheerly as he leaned down kissing her forehead. " I love you also princess" she smiled hard as she yanked my arm jumping up and down.

He looked over at me and kissed me " I love you also baby" I was over the moon because we had never established this yet and now that we are it felt great. " I love you also Chester" he walked into the Locke room to grab his things as we waited.

Maybe this was who I was supposed to be with all along my end game was with Chester.

My heart man 🥺💕 I cant break them up it's to cute tbh !!!!

La Mariposa|| oscar Diaz *Editing*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora