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We had been driving for hours now and I was staring to become uncomfortable in this cramped car with the others. I looked out the window as Oscar rested his hand on my thigh " we are going to stop soon baby I promise" I put my hand on top of his as I nodded my head before dozing off to sleep.

I felt tapping on my shoulder as I noticed we were stopped at a house. " your dad said he knows someone who's letting us stay here" I grabbed my smallest bag and walked inside the house looking over at my dad who was sitting down " you can pick your room before everyone else does" I laughed and went to the biggest room. He already had his picked so he wasn't worried.

" Oscar baby I'm in here" I yelled out to him as he walked in " glad you picked this room" he came up behind me wrapping his arms around me as he kissed my neck. I leaned my head over and closed my eyes as we just stayed like this for a bit I didn't mind because I loved Oscar and was always at peace with him no matter what " thank you for doing this with me" I grabbed his hands as he turned me around so I could look at him.

" I would never let you do anything dangerous like this alone I got you girl" I rolled my eyes as he smirked at me " stop being corny Oscar" I giggled as he started to tickle me. He always knew how to make me feel better in hard situations and right now I felt happy and at peace which wouldn't last long " you know I love you" we were now on the bed with him on top of me " yeah I know" he kissed me before getting up and looking around the room.

" your dad has a fucked up life right now for him I hope we do find his wife and can figure all this out" Oscar looked at me as I bit my lip " I just want things to go back to as normal as they can my sister and mom aren't coming back and I've realized that now I just don't want to lose my dad to this stuff either Oscar" I felt the tears coming.

I was emotional because he was all I had left that was my real family even if sometimes I didn't like him he was my dad and he would always be my father " he needs me now more than ever and I don't want to let him down" Oscar walked over and just hugged me " we will figure this all out baby... nothing will happy to you or him on this trip" he kissed my forehead as he just sat in silence.

I was hoping he was right and we would make it home to my baby because right about now I was missing her more than ever.


I walked into the kitchen as my phone started going off " hello" I said " hey are you guys almost here" she said as I looked around making sure no one was around " yeah we are taking a stop so everyone can sleep no worries I'm not going to let anything happen that can harm this trip" I said to her as she started to laugh into the phone " I've got them right where I want them and when this is all over they will be dead" I smirked into the window " that's my boy just make sure you don't screw up this time and we need everyone alive"  she said.

" no ones going to die bu-" I was cut off by oscars friend Jose " hey is it okay if I borrow the car to run to that store up the street. I hung up the phone instantly as I gave him the keys.


I ran outside as I sat inside the car wondering about how I would break the news to everyone about what I just heard Lolita's dad saying on the phone. We had to be way more protected and I knew just that person who could help us and they lived not to far from here.

I drove about 30 minutes and then parked the car as I got out knocking on the door " I didn't think I'd see you anytime soon" she smirked at me as she let me in " I might need your help azalea" she rolled her eyes because I only ever came to her when I needed something " and here I thought my brother actually wanted to see me but no he just wants to use me" she sat down before handing me a beer.

" what is it you need Jose" she took a sip of hers before looking at me intensely " me and spooky are getting into some shit and just Incase I need your help like maybe you could spot us some people just incase shit hits the fan here" I rambled as she nodded her head " I'll see Jose I can't keep doing your dirty work because you aren't prepared" she stood up " it won't be like that this time I promise" I needed her more than anything right now.

" I guess but you'll owe me and you say spooky is here also" her eyes lit up when she said his name making me gag " with his novia yes" she rolled her eyes " nothing wrong with harmless flirting" I stood up and hugged her as she smiled " just get home safely and text me the info I got you Jose seriously" I hugged her tightly before leaving.

It was dark out now and I knew it would look suspicious going home empty handed so I stopped by the store and grabbed something's and then texted my sister everything she needed to know before going back to the little house we were staying at "took you long enough man I thought someone had killed you" I laughed at Oscar as they lights went out " what the hell" I flicked my flash light on before heading screams.

" Lolita, Blaine are y'all okay" was the last thing said before I was hit upside the head. 

Well I missed updating this book plus juicy stuff is happening now :) DONT FORGET TO VOTE for the next chapter to be released.

La Mariposa|| oscar Diaz *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now