🎶Chapter 56🎶

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Midoriya POV

"Right... now what's the meaning of Adagio?"

"U-uh... meaning that the music should be at a walking pace, not too fast or slow."





"....Deku, I love you, I really do.... but you can be an adorable dumbass that doesn't know the differences between two words." Kacchan shook his head as he let out a breath.

My exams are tomorrow and you could say I need d a bit of help with two words. Kacchan's been helping me study for three hours straight and I think he's at his limits of being patient with me.

"You've described Andante you dumbass it's not that hard to know the difference between Andante and Andagio!" Kacchan snapped while I glared at him.

"Well excuse me but they both pretty much have the same meaning!" I responded back in defense.

"No they don't you stupid broccoli! Andante is the meaning of a walking pace while Andagio is when the music should be played slowly!"

"Well what if they're different!? Why did they have to write the name so similar!?"

"Don't fucking ask me I didn't discovered this shit ask Edward Elgar!"

"Well who is he!?"

"I swear to fucking god! That's it! I give up on you! You won't understand shit and most importantly you don't know who fucking Edward is when he discovered the damn melody!"

"Edward discovered Andante right!?"

"Fucking correct!"

"Yay!" I clapped my hands together, feeling accomplished.

Kacchan let out a sigh as he lay the side of his head on top of the books, "you can be so frustrating sometimes."

I only shrugged as I played with his hair, "yet you love me."

Kacchan chuckle as he responded which made me smile, "fuck yeah I do."

'Daddy should get to bed since he is going to be at the study hall tomorrow in the morning and then start his exams.'

"Aaah, that's right." I mumbled as I started stretching my limbs out. "By the way Kacchan, when is your exams?"

"Fucking Tuesday and Thursday. Yours is tomorrow and Wednesday right?" Kacchan said as he picked his head up as he looked at me which I nodded in response.

"Tomorrow is going to be the written exams and on Wednesday I have to play a musical note on which they give me." I explained as I started packing all my belongings.

"Hm, so I'm guessing I'm going to be having the same thing."

"Yup, remember not to play aggressively when you play."

"Right, right, but how am I going to do that when you're not around." Kacchan said as lean over at me as I giggled when he started planting kisses around my face.

Suddenly he lay on the floor next to me as he grabbed a hold of me as he pulled me on top of him.

I couldn't help but blush at the position we're in as my head lay in his chest. Getting a bit of confidence I slowly pulled my head up as I look at Kacchan.

He gave me a grin as he kissed me on top of the head as he moved and lay on his side making me do the same as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"There, now you're little spoon." Kacchan whispered on my ear which made me giggle as I felt the blush on my cheeks grow.

"Kacchan... this is nice and all but I have to go home it's late." I said while he nuzzle his head on my hair even more as he gripped his arms around my waist.

He then wrapped his legs around mines, preventing me from escaping as he pecked in my head, "just a little bit longer." Kacchan mumbled.

I only sighed as I got comfortable in his arms and listen to Kacchan's steady breathing.

Later on I heard his breathing becoming slow so I took a peak behind me to see Kacchan sleeping.

I guess I won't mind sleeping here.

After that thought I smiled as I slowly closed my eyes.

Goodnight Aika

'Goodnight daddy.'


"Fucking hell kacchan! If you weren't being cute then I wouldn't sleep in!" I yelled at him as I went through his drawers and took out some shorts, black t-shirt, and a hoodie.

"Okay! I'm sorry! I fucking messed up blame me! Now shut the fuck up and go get ready damnit!"

"Ugh!" I groan as I finally put the clothes in and quickly went to the bathroom and took out an extra toothbrush from the cabinet and brushed my teeth. I decided to not brush my hair as I went back to the room and picked up my bag.

"Kacchan lets go." I muttered to him as I turned to him only to see him looking at my clothes.

"What? Kacchan we gotta go!" I whined to him only to see him chuckle as he crossed his arms together.

"You look cute with my clothes, big but that's the whole purpose am I right?" He smirked at me and I couldn't help but blush as I looked down at the clothes I'm wearing.

"L-lets go already." I stuttered out as I left the room and walked downstairs.

"Good morning Mr. and Ms. Bakugou were leaving!" I quickly waved to them and gave them a smile as I quickly left the building, not bothering to wait for their response.

A few minutes later Kacchan walked out of the house as I impatiently wait for him as my leg bounce up and down.

"Calm down nerd. How about study here so you won't have to worry missing any studying." Kacchan said as he stepped in the passenger seat while I nodded and took out my books.

"Now," Kacchan said as he turned on the car as he drove out of parking. "What's the meaning of Fugue?"


"Well... wish me luck Kacchan." I mumbled as I gave him a small smile.

He didn't say anything but ruffled my hair and I couldn't help but giggle as he got a hold of my chin and made me look up at him.

"I don't need to wish you luck, I know you're going to do great." Kacchan said as he gave me a kissed on the lips as he gave me a soft smile. "Don't stress, do you're best, forget the rest, got it?"

I smiled at him, feeling confident about the exams as I nodded excitedly at him and gave him a small peck back.

"Don't stress.
Forget the rest.
Do your best."


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