Chapter 26|order of phoenix

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Summer had been quite hard on you. You'd had a lot of time to think and no matter what you tried doing your mind drifted to Cedric. Not only Cedric but the return of Voldemort. Your parents have already started to make plans for protection in case of emergency. Plus to make things worse Harry had been in the paper. It said he was lying about Voldemort being back. 

Right now you was upstairs at the order with Hermione and Ron waiting for dinner because there was some kind of meeting going on downstairs. Suddenly the door opened and revealed Harry. 

"Harry!" Hermione exclaimed hugging him. "Are you alright? We overheard them talking about the dementor attack. You must tell you everything." She said.

"Let the man breathe Hermione." Ron joked.

"There's a hearing at the ministry. It's just outrageous. I've looked it up. They simply can't expel you. It's completely unfair!" Hermione informed.

"Yeah." Harry replied sadly looking around the room. "There's a lot of it going round at the moment. So what is this place?" He asked.

"It's headquarters." Ron said.

"The order of the phoenix. It's a secret society. Dumbledore formed it back when they fought you-know-who." You informed him folding your arms.

"Couldn't put this in any of the letters i suppose?" Harry questioned. "I've gone all summer without a scrap of news." You looked at him apologetically. 

"We wanted to write mate... we really did. Only-" Ron began.

"Only what?" Harry interrupted getting slightly angry.

"Dumbledore made us swear not to tell you anything." Hermione said.

"Dumbledore said that?" Harry asked. "Bu-but why would he want to keep me in the dark? Maybe i could help." He offered. "After all i am the one that saw Voldemort return.. the one who fought him... who saw Cedric Diggory get killed."

"Harry!" The twins appeared suddenly making him jump as they grabbed his shoulders.

"Thought we heard you dulcet tones." Fred joked sitting on the bed. 

"Don't bottle it up, though mate. Let it out." George said.

"If you're all done shouted." Fred finished.

"Do you wanna hear something a little more interesting?" George asked suspiciously. 

The twins showed the four of you some sort of fake ear. They dropped it slowly down the stair case so it was hanging next to door that the meeting was going in on.

"If anyone has the right to know it's Harry." It was your mother's voice. 

"If it wasn't for Harry we wouldn't even know Voldemort was back." Somebody else said.

The other whispers you couldn't tell who's voices were who's "He is not a child Molly." and "He isn't an adult either." "He's not James, Sirius." "Well he's not your son." "He's as good as." 

"Hey Ginny." You greeted. You turned you ears back to the conversation in the meeting.

"How touchingly paternal, Black. Perhaps Potter will grow up to be a felon, just like his godfather."

"Snape's apart of the order?" Harry asked in disbelief. You noticed Crookshanks, Hermione's cat walk towards the ear. 

"He's going to attack it." You whispered.

"Get off it." Fred whisper shouted.

"Crookshanks." Hermione patted on the banister as the cat destroyed the ear. 

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