10 - The reason

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(I know the timing is different but I wanted an excuse to give (Y \N) and Izuku a family moment. So sorry about that. Just imagine this happened like in this story's time line.
Thanks for understanding.❤❤❤)

(Y \ N) 's POV.

After school me and Izuku went home. We got our homework done in our room the Izuku decided to lift some weights while I do some pull ups on the pull up bars I had installed for myself and Izuku. I could see Izuku was bothered by something but I didn't really want to ask. I was afraid of making him more upset than he probably already is.

"Izuku, (Y \ N). It's lunch time. Your lunch is ready. Your food's getting cold."

"We'll be right there." Izuku says to his mom. She closes the door.
I get off of the pull up bars and land on my feet, Izuku puts his weights down.
"Hey, Izu? Are you ok, you've been spacing out all afternoon?"
I state, finnaly deciding to ask.
"Oh, yeah I'm fine I was just thinking about... Stuff." He says giving me a sheepish smile.
"You'll tell me if something is wrong, right?" I ask my cousin.
"Yeah I'll tell you later. But let's go eat first." We walk to the table.

"Eat up! Those new muscles of yours need lots of fuel."

Later before bed Izu told me everything he was thinking about earlier. About how he think AllMight doesn't have much time left and all that. I comforted him to the best of my ability. But I don't think it really helped much. But yet again, who knows...

Time skip...

In class 1A.

Uncle Shota talked to us some more about the Sports Festival and how we only have 3 chances in a lifetime and all that. After homeroom we had Uncle CementToss's class.
He had left the class after our period, we all just talked. Now it was lunch and as myself, Izu, Iida and Ururaka were walking through the halls, we didn't want to sit in the caffiteria so we decided to take a stroll around campus. We talked for a while until this topic came up,
"So Ururaka why did you want to come to UA. What made you want to become a pro hero?" Izuku asks his female friend.
"Oh, Ohh... Well... Because." She started acwardly.
"Uh. For the money!" Izuku finishes, feeling surprised at the awnser he picked up on.
"You want to be a hero so you can get rich!?" Izu asks.
"If we're cutting to the chase then yeah." She says to him.
"I'm sorry if it sounds greedy. You two have such admirable reasons. I hope you don't think less of me now" she says waving her one arm in front of her.
"Not at all. Your goal is to support your well being and that's a perfectly fine ambition to have."
"I agree with Iida on this one. But are you trying to support yourself or someone else. Like I know you, your probably not doing this just for yourself." I say to her.
"Well you see my family owns a construction company. But we haven't gotten eany work lately. So were flat broke. Eanyway this isn't something I usually tell other people." She explains while rubbing the back of her head vigorously.

"Construction company hey." Iida says trying to think of a way to cheer the girl up.
"Ahh I bet if she got licensed she could use her quirk." Izuku starts.
"And that would bring down the costs alot, saving money." I add to the boys statement.
"And they can sell their heavy lifting equipment and she can float everything." Iida points out yet again.
"I know right! That's what I've been telling Dad ever since I was little." She says pointing finger-guns to the two boys.


Ururaku has flash back...

(She tells us all the stuff.)

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