Peter Parker Getting Hurt and You Helping Would Include... (Headcanon)

981 29 3

Words: 586
Warnings: Injuries
Author's Note: Another one that was written during the writing funk, but still kinda fun


-You are not an avenger

-but you are peter's best friend

-but also have no idea he's spiderman

-you have some suspicion he's doing something; you just hope it's not illegal

-he backs out of things and blows you off a lot, and it's frustrating, but he's still your best friend so you can't be mad at him too long

-when you ask Ned about it, he claims he has no idea, but you don't believe him

-but in the spirit of being a good friend, you drop it

-so you two were scheduled to have a movie night on a Friday, but right before Peter is supposed to be over, he calls and says he might be late

-ok, that's normal. Better than normal. Normally he cancels fully.

-so you go into your room to finish setting up and just sit on your phone while you wait for any updates

-like 45 minutes pass, and you haven't heard from him, and after sending a few texts, you decide maybe it's time to give up, and you guys reschedule

-But then your phone rang

-"Peter, are you on your way?" You answered

-"Yeah..." He said, but it sounded like he was out of breath. "Is your window open?"

-"It can be..."

-"Open it"

-"Peter, are you okay?

-"Just open the damn window, please..." He begged, and you listened

-"Ok, it's open??" You were so confused because right after that, Peter hung up. Was he playing some joke on you?

-You went back to sit on your bed to send a confused text to Peter, but before you could send it, you saw Peter flying through your window.

-"Peter?" You shouted when you saw him collapse on your floor

-Peter was coughing and tried to sit up. His face was bruising and a little bloody

-When you sat down in front of him, you were frantically asking questions. But as he was taking deep breaths, you realized what he was wearing

-"Peter, what happened?" You grabbed your water bottle off your bed and handed it to him

-After Peter took a drink, he started to explain. He took on a fight that wasn't meant for Spider-Man, and he should have let the avengers take care of it, and he's lucky he got out of there when he did

-you nodded and rushed out of your bedroom to grab some bandages and ice packs, and another water bottle, and came back to him

-"I'm sorry I never told you."

-You raised an eyebrow at him. "Dude, I'm just glad you weren't doing anything illegal," and as you guys talked about it and you tried distracting him, you were wiping up his face

-You asked if he was hurt anywhere else, and he said he had some bruises on his arm, which resulted in him taking off the top of his suit so you could wrap up his arm

-You gave him an ice pack to have him hold in his face, and you found a larger t-shirt so he could put something on while you helped clean him up

-he kept apologizing for keeping spider-man a secret and always canceling plans

-you kept telling him to stop apologizing because you understand, but that's peter parker, he's gonna apologize to his grave

-and finally, once he was all cleaned up and feeling better, you got to watch a movie!!

-and he was so thankful for you for helping him and being understanding

-but that's what best friends are for

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