Chapter 15

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Oh my god, can I just say how amazing your emoji comments were. Some of them were so cryptic and they really made me laugh. There were a lot of new faces in the comments section which was lovely to see! Thank you so much for joining in, and don't ever be afraid to comment on future updates!

I had a great birthday, thank you for the birthday wishes!! For those who were curious, I just turned 23!

I hope you enjoy this update, and I hope you're all enjoying the story so far. Don't be afraid to give any constructive criticism or correct any bad grammar if it annoys you haha :)

- Sian

Krey punched Mark with his unnatural werewolf strength. The human flew back and into the brick wall with a heavy thud. Mark fell to the floor, and one of his friends got up to defend his status. He swung for Krey who ducked and tried hard to blink away his werewolf qualities.

Krey shoved the guy back into the booth, squishing him against someone else. Another one of Mark's friends got up and slapped Krey across the face. He grabbed her ponytail and dragged her from the booth, then shoved her away.

The older men at the bar had phoned the police. Crescent town was so small; the police station was just around the corner. Officers were in the café in minutes, separating Krey from the group who kept jumping on him to prove they were stronger.

Krey's human sat up with a hand on his chest. Pip wheezed and struggled to catch his breath. Debra was behind Pip, pulling him to his feet as the police managed to yank Krey back enough for him to stop throwing punches.

Krey's gums ached, and he turned away from the commotion to calm down.

"That guy, Mark, he started this," Debra said to the police.

"Pippor dropped those drinks on me on purpose!" Mark yelled, and Krey turned in time for Mark to lunge for his mate. Krey stormed back through the café. It took four officers to pull him away again.

"Calm down lad. Stop it!" an officer yelled. "Stop it!"

Krey must have looked like a crazed beast to Pip. Krey caught his eyes and Pip had a hand on his chest, glancing around nervously.

Krey had scared him.

"What's your name, lad?" asked an officer.

Pip looked their way to hear what the police would say.

Krey stood tall, fearing he had ruined everything. He didn't want Pip to be afraid of him.

"I asked your name," another officer said sternly.

Krey's eyes flicked to the man. "Krey Graymer," he said, and the officers shared stunned glances. They let go of Krey immediately.

Pip frowned as the officers whispered to each other about the institute. One officer led Krey further away and shook his hand.

"Obviously, we're not going to arrest you," the officer said in a hushed tone. "We know who you are, and we trust that you're not out here making trouble for yourself. We know Mark and his group of idiots."

"They're bullying my friend," Krey said lowly. Being a werewolf had its benefits with authority figures. They worked in secret alliance with the special forces when humans had their issues. In return, the wolves could live in institutes peacefully and secretly, unbothered, and free to do what they wanted among their own kind.

Police offers didn't know exactly who people like Krey were, they just knew to stay out of their way under government orders.

"And your friend is..." the officer looked over his shoulder. "Pippor Monty?" He didn't hide his surprise.

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