business meeting [ i.m ]

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You pressed your clammy hands down over your knees, smoothing the hem of your skirt in a nervous motion. He would be here any minute, and you had no idea what he wanted.

Despite how young he was, Changkyun had moved up the ranks quickly. He had a cool head, and an eye for details. He was difficult to rile up and he knew how to place his bets to his benefit. This earned him respect, and a leadership role. You had seen him around, but you had never spoken to him. It would be fatal if you even dreamed of it.

And maybe you had. Those dark eyes, relaxed yet firm stance, the hint of a smile now and then that told you there was so much more going on inside that head than you could imagine.

But your father, and in fact all the men in your family, didn't belong to his group. They weren't enemies, but they weren't friends, either. Competition might be the best way to describe it, and a few scuffles in the street had made some members less than friendly with others. You were told to stay far away.

Out of the blue, you had received a call from an unrecognizable voice. The man let you know Changkyun had wanted to meet, and he had wanted to do so alone. He had "things" to discuss, and the man promised there was no threat to you or your family. It was a huge risk and a giant red flag, but you felt compelled to say yes. Part of it was rebellion, sick of your family trying to control you and everyone you interacted with. The other part was curiosity, and the little somersault in your stomach when you wondered why he'd want to see you, specifically.

You had agreed to meet in an office in one of your father's buildings. It was a Sunday, everyone was off and the place was empty, which you had assured his man of. Around 3pm, there was a wrapping on the door, and your legs felt weak as you stood and approached it, cracking it open.

He stood there with a burlier man behind him, and when he saw you he smiled, but it bordered on more of a smirk.

"Good evening, miss." He said kindly, nodding to you and you greeted him back. He then glanced over his shoulder at the man.

"He'll be keeping watch, if you don't mind."

You shook your head and invited him inside.

As you went to sit, he shuffled around the room casually, though his eyes were intent.

"It's not bugged, if that's what you're worried about." You commented, and he chuckled.

"You can't ever be too sure."

"Then take a closer look, I don't mind." You shrugged, because it was true. The only cameras were in the hallways and at all the entrances and exits. No funny business went on here, it was all legitimate. Your family did their dirty work elsewhere.

He looked around until he was satisfied, then took a seat across from you.

"What's the nature of your visit, sir?" You asked, trying to sound as professional as possible.

"Changkyun is just fine, and it's a bit difficult to explain."

You waited patiently, crossing your legs and trying to keep your face neutral, despite the fact you were thinking about how attractive he really was, his hair falling next to one eye, his button-up shirt hugging his body, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, his deep voice sending a chill through you.

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