Norman Must Really Like Rice Krispeys

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Tira POV

When I cracked it sounded like the rice kirispey cereal when we pour milk in but a lot a lot a lot a LOT louder. It hurt really really really really REEEEEEEEALLLY bad but because I don't want anyone else knowing about me I just sniffed and big crokodile tears flowed down my face.

"Tira! Ray let go of her!" Phil shouted and started to try and pull Ray off me letting go of the books. When the books thudded onto the floor Ray got up quickly and grabbed the books and Phil helped me sit up. I wiped away my tears and sniffed.

At least Phil is nice to me.

Meanie Ray looked at the books and Phil ran out of the room to get bandages. I sat there glaring at Ray with sharp daggers in my eyes.

"Hm... hey what did phil see?" Ray asked me.

Like id tell you! You just rice krispeyied my arm!

Good thing I can also use my other am perfectly fine.

I ignored him and waited for Phil, trying to stop hikuping since I don't want Ray to be happy that I'm hurting and in a lot of pain because of him. He tched and went back to looking at the books and talking to himself.

"I don't get it I read these books so many times already and there isn't anything that even looks like a code. What did phil see???" Ray said to and asked himself. I wiped my eyes a bit more and Phil came running in with Emma and Norman.

Why the hell is norman here?!?!?!?!?!?!!!!!!

Phil ran to me with Emma and Norman walked over to ray.

"Tira are you okay?!?!?!" Emma shouted panicked.

Does my arm look okay Emma?!?!?!!!!!!!

No! It doesn't! It looks worse than elementary school kids fighting over the last cosmic brownie in the lunch line or the middle school girls beating each other up because one girl accidentally yeet Ed the other girls weave off during lunch!

Phil stopped the bleeding and Emma helped wrap my arm up while shaking and saying it's okay over and over again. I think she was trying to tell herself that but whatever it's not like anybody cares about me since they don't even notice me anyways.

Norman and Ray were shouting at each other the whooooooooooole time to the point where I wanted to die because they were to loud. And for some reason no one came over here but that's probably because of my loner energy and vibe and all that stuff in the room to the point where even the sound was a loner.

"Okay, all patched up!" Emma said with a fake small smile.

"Tira!" Phil glomped me and I hugged him back with a ghost of a smile.

I'm sorry for worrying you Phil TTMTT

"Don't be sorry! You didn't do anything!" Phil cried in my arms. It's nice to see that he understands what I want to say to him.

I saw a pair of shoes and I looked up expecting to see Norman because there is no way Ray would just stand there and of course I'm right and see Norman. Norman is just staring at me weird like he's trying to find out where I come from like I'm not human or something like mama but of course I can't say that because no one except Phil believes me.

Not like I'd try and tell them anything.

Then Norman bent down and held out a hand with a smile.

"Nice to meet you Tira, I'm Norman."

A/N: WOWIE WOW WOW WOW!!!!! Finally the main trio find out about Tira UWU Took then long enough geeze UMU BUT NO TIRAS ARMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!! Thankfully she's ambidexttris. Also I'm trying a new update scheudle and so I'll be uploading now every Monday and also thursdayyyyyy just for you lovelies UWU Anyways I hope you like the chapter and make sure to vote and comment and share and follow!!!!!!! Bye bye!!!!!!!!!!!

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