Being Annoyed And The Plan Starts!!!!!!

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Tira POV

It's been two days and Connie is going to be shipped out today. I've been following DOn and Gilda and I'm thinking about telling them after Connie gets shipped. It probably sounds like abad idea but it isn't because then I can probably get them to follow Emma and Norman and I wont need to prove anything becuase they'll see it wiht their own eyes.

But this entier time I thought it would have been easy hiding Little Bunny and then relaxing but Connie kept on crying and asking around and mama was the same too looking around and asking everyone confused where Little BUnny was. It got really annoying beacuse that was the only thing anyone would talk about but thankfully Emma and Norman didn't ask me if I knew where it was. They probably thought that since no one noticed me that I didn't notice anyone else also.

What dum dums UMU


Ray was looking really hard for Little Bunny and I think he had the same idea as I had and he had walked over and asked me really mad where Little Bunny was. Of course I lied and said that I didn't know and he kept trying but failed each time becuase no way was I going to get him to mess up my plans!

"Phil I don't think I can take it anymore!" I cried and slammed my face into my soft fluffy white pillow. THis was probably going to be the one thing I missed when we escaped. Phil sat down next to me and patted my back.

"It's going to be okay Tira! We just need to put LIttle Bunny out and make sure they see it!"

"Yeah, I guess... but not just Connie but everyone else has been talking about Little BUnny and nothing else and I really need a break from hearing about it." Just then the door creaked open and Gilda popped her head in.

"Hey Phil, Kieran, Connie is about to leave!" Phil and I both jumped off the bed and I made sure to grab Little Bunny from under the bed and followed them. For some reason if I hold Little Bunny no one could see him. It was the sme thing when I took him right from next to Connie when she put him down once.

Was it my loner energy!??!?!??!?!??!?!

No way, Phil and I are closer than ever so there's no way that I'm a loner right??????

Ugh so much thinking UMU

But anyways, Connie was still sad about Little Bunny but she was just toooooooooo happy about being shipped out that she wasn't too too sad about missing Little Bunny. She waved goodbye to everyone and only me and Ray didn't wave goodbye. As soon as mama left I walked over to the dining room and put Little Bunny on the table and walked away making sure to actually make noise so they'll se me coming from the Dinig room and go 'what was Tira doing in there?' and get curious and go see and see Little Bunny.

"Hey Norman, what was Tira doing? She just came out of the Dining room."

"Yeah I saw. Let's go check it out." Wow I guess Emma lying to Don and Gilda about Norman needing to see them is perfectly fine. Wow.

"Phil it's time." I whispered into his ears. He nodded and walked up to Don and Gilda and they bent down and Phil whispered something into their ears. By this time everyone else had left the room or went to sleep and so it was just Emma, Norman, me, Phil, Don, and Gilda around. I saw their eyes go wide and they looked at me.


A/N: AHHHHHH FINALLY THE PLANNNNNNNN!!!!!! Who would've thought that Ray would have the same idea as Tira to use Little Bunny???? Hehehehhe but she got to him firsttttttttt UWU AND EMMA AND NORMAN TOOK THE BAIT AND NOW GILDA AND DON KNOWS ABOUT TIRA TOO JUST SO MUCH IS GOING ONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN BUT! Anyways make sure to vote and comment and follow and share!!!!!!!! Bye bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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