. t h i n k i n g .

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Third POV

Two weeks had passed since Tira KO'ed onto the grass. She still had t woken up and everyone was worried but Phil, Ray, and Norman mad esure thag everyone else was still prepping for the escape.

"Phil do we have enough ropes?" Ray asked checking the materials.

"We do if we count the blanket ropes I made with Tira........" Phil trailed off.

"... okay Phil lets go to sleep. We have a few days until we escape."

"But what about Tira?!"

"Tira... we have to leave her." Ray said not smiling. Phil looked at him shocked.

"No... Tira, Tira said that we would both escape together!" Phil shouted before running out of the room.

"Phil!" Ray shouted at Phil before sighing. He sat down and leaned against the wall and sighed. Tira had a big plan because Phil wanted everyone to escape with them and she would have done anything to make him happy. He made sure to talk to Tira privately about how stupid the plan was but Tira just looked at him and sighed.

"Listen Ray. I just want Phil to be happy. Also no one should die because somebody wants them to or someone wants a fancy five star meal." She had said.

"Obviously but this? This is crazy! There's no way we can get everyone to escape!"

"We'll find a way."

"Yeah? And what is it?"

"I don't know for now but I will. Just trust me."

After that Tira still didn't tell him about any plan she had. She probably did and was gonna tell him under the tree but mama inturrupted and then all this happened. Ray put everything away and got up and decided to go after Phil.

"This is going to be hard."


Don and Gilda were washing the dishes together when Don just stopped drying them. Gilda looked over at him.

"Gilda... do you think that Tira will wake up when we leave in a few days?" Don asked. Gilda also stopped and turned off the water.

"I hope so." She whispered quietly.

"I still can't believe everything just went by. It feels like an hour ago when Tira told us about mama and Grace Field." Gilda nodded.

"Now we're almost at the date..."


"Do you think the plan we all made to get everyone out will work?" Don asked putting a cup down.

"I hope so. I mean we had Emma, Ray, and Norman test it out a bit last week with the kids when we were playing tag and it worked really well. Also Sister Krone is going to help us and be the one taking care of Carol. I still can't believe that she's helping us."

"I know. I thought all the adults would be against us. But Tira would be really proud of us right? For getting this far?"

"Yeah I'm sure she would. I mean even if she's a ghost she's still family." Gilda whispered out quietly. It was quiet for the rest of the time they were washing and drying dishes. After they were done they started to head back to their rooms.

"When she wakes up, lets thank her together." Don looked over and saw Gilda giving him a smile. He smiled back.



Norman was checking the rest of the equipment and sighed. Just yesterday he had to tell everyone about mama and Grace Field. Of course everyone tried protecting mama like both him and Emma were in the beginning when Tira told them, but now he knew why she was so angry at them. All she was trying to do was help them but they just blew her off. Thankfully after Ray and Emma came in to help him out did everyone listen and really believe him. He still couldn't forget about the time she gave him that role.

Tira was holding a random stick in her hand when she pointed it in his direction.

"Norman!" She said making Norman nervous.

"What????" Norman said confused.

"You ar eofficially the person who will tell everyone abojt Isabella and Grace Field!" She said with a big smile. Norman was shocked. He, no, no one minus Phil ever saw Tira actually smile. Okay she did smirk and give ghost smiles but nothing like the one he was seeing now.

"Why me?" Norman has asked confused.

"Because they'll trust you. You are everyones big brother and there isn't anyone who would just go and say that you were lying. Maybe they'll protect Isabella but that's not surprising since she is everyones else's mama."

"I don't know Tira. I said you were lying along with Emma so maybe you should do it. You know the most." Tira put the stick down and looked at Norman seriously.

"Norman, I'm having you do it."

"Why..." Norman clenched his fists. He didn't believe her until the very end, until Connie was taken!

"Because I trust you."


Emma was keeping an eye out for mama for Ray and Phil when she saw Phil run past her.

"Phil?!" Emma shouted but Phil didn't hear her. Ray walked up to her.

"What happened Ray?" Emma asked.

"Phil... he doesn't want to leave Tira behind." Emma went quiet for once.

Even though Tira didn't treat her the best emma knew she deserved it. All she had to do was listen to Tira and just believe her but she didn't. Instead she threatened to tell mama about her and lied to her and made Tira do her chores for her. But in the end Tira just wanted Phil to be happy and safe. Yeah she didn't really care about anyone else, at least that's what Phil said when Emma asked a few days ago, but that's only because Phil was there for her and she was there for Phil.

And now she wasn't.

After Emma saw the demons for the first time all she wanted to do was apologize to Tira but it was hard, especially since she left Little Bunny and made mama suspicious about them. Tira was so mean to her though!!! But she was really mean to Tira too... In the end Emma didn't really know how to apologize and when she saw both Ray and Norman go with Tira and plan the escape she knew she wanted it too. She wanted everyone to be happy. So she built the courage and apologized and it actually went okay. Not the best of course but not the worst. Now all Emma wanted was for Tira to wake up and escape with them because so much of the escape was Tira's and Ray's and Norman's idea because she joined late.

"I should probably go get him." Ray said and left to find Phil. After Ray disapeared Emma let out a shaky breath.

"Tira... I wish you were here......"

A/N: AHHHHHH SUCH A LONG CHAPTERRRRRR Bug I couldn't just chop this into another chapter bevause then it'd be weird UMU hopefully Tira is doing okay!!!!!!! UMUMU I really really still cant believe we're almost at the end!!! I just can't TMT Anyways make sure to vote, comment, share, and follow!!!!!! Bye bye!!!!!!

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