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Third POV

"WHAT?!" Don shouted. Ray and Norman looked at each other and rushed out with Don and Phil following behind them. Gilda was comforting Emma and rubbing her back. Emma sank onto the floor crying and hiccuping.

As soon as Ray was outside he rushed over to where he saw Tira last and found her lying on the grass, her clothes tinted green from the grass.

"Oi!!! Tira wake up!" Ray said shaking her shoulders. She didn't budge and he picked her up. Norman Don and Phil saw and ran over.

"Tira?! What happened?! Ray is Tira okay?!" Phil shouted tearing up.

"I'm not sure. Where's her bed Phil?"

"This way!" Phil ran ahead and with Ray.

"Don go with them. I'll get Emma and Gilda." Norman said with a serious face. Don nodded.

"Got it!"


Ray put Tira down onto her bed and put his fingers on her neck. He waited for a bit before he was distracted by soemthing. Tira's clothes that were just green before were now white!

"Phil, put your hand under Tira's wrist." Ray said. Don came in and asked what was happening.

"Don come here." Ray said dead serious. Don walked over next to Ray.

"What's wrong? Is she okay?!"

"Don... Tira is..."


Norman ran into the library and to the back where Emma and Gilda were.

"Norman! Where's Tira? Is she okay?!" Gilda asked panicked. Emma was still crying and hiccuping.

"I don't know. She's with Ray, Don, and Phil right now. They took her back to her bed, lets go!" Emma was able to stand up and Gilda took her to the room with Norman in the lead. Before he left the room Norman stopped and grabbed the book before running back to the room.

When they got there the room was tense.

"Emma! You were with Ray the entire time right?! Why didn't you tell him about Tira?" Don said mad.

"Don! Emma didn't say anything because mama was there! Don't you get it? If she did then mama would find out about Tira and Tira said that she didn't want mama to find out about her." Gilda said angry. Don tch'ed and his hands were in fists.

"Ray how's Tira?" Norman asked pushing what just happened to the side. He sat down on the bed and put the book in his lap.

"Norman, Emma, Gilda, you should all sit down." Emma sat down between Phil and Gilda still sniffling.

"Ray what's wrong?" Norman asked serious. Ray sighed and got up. He backed away.

"See for yourself Norman."

"What?" Norman looked at Don and Phil whose heads were down. Norman scooted up and put his finger on Tira's neck and waited. After a couple of second his neck snapped up and he looked at Ray terrified.

"She's..." Ray nodded his head.

"She's dead....?" Norman whispered out. Emma and Gilda were shocked.

"But here's the thing. Phil, put your hand under Tira's wrist again." Ray said. Phil put his hand under Tira's wrist and Norman sucked in a breath. He could kinda see Phil's hand under Tira's wrist. Not the fingers and the wrist. No.

His entire hand.

"What is this..." Norman whispered out shocked. Ray sat back down and sighed.

"Norman, Emma, Gilda, Tira's been dead this entire time."

"No way!" Emma shouted.

"Emma?" Gilda whispered out worried.

"There's no way... we can touch her! And she can do anything we can do too! So how..." everyone was quiet and didn't say anything.

"B-but Tira is going to be alright, right Ray?" Phil asked.

"We don't know Phil. She's dead but she's here. We don't know what to do since we can't do anything that'll bring.... a ghost back." Norman said sad.

Ray tch'ed and looked away. Phil sniffled and day next to Tira's head.

"Tira... I hope you're okay..."

A/N: LE GASP THEY FIGURED IT OUTTTTTTT Of course some of you guys were faster with the 'Tira is a ghost' theory though UWU  But becwuse Tira's a ghost what's gonna happen???? Also we're getting close to the end!!!!!! I cant believe it >M< P.S. The next few chappys are gonna be longer than usual especially the next one!!!! Anyways make sure to vote, comment, share, and follow!!!!!!!!! Bye bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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