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Tira POV

"Really? Kieran why'd you do that?!" Phil pouted and put his hands on his waist.

"Gomen... I got a bit too excited when it was their turn." I apologized and rubbed the back of my head sheepish and frowning a bit.

"Be more careful next time Kieran!" Phil said and I nodded. Don and glasses girl looked at Phil weird.

"Phil...?" Glasses girl called out worried. Phil turned to them with a smile.

"Kieran said he's sorry to Don and Gilda! He said he got too excited playing with us!" Don and glasses girl I now knew as Gilda looked at each other before looking at Phil. Gilda was smiling sheepishly and Don was just smiling. He ruffled Phil's hair and Phil giggled and I mentally squealed because it was just so darn cute!

"Hey Phil, is Kieran your imaginary friend or...?" Gilda trailed off looking a bit more worried now.

"Yup!" Phil lied easily. Don and Gilda looked at each other again.

"Everyone! Lunch is ready!" Mama called and everyone flooded in including me and Phil. We sat down, me next to Phil at the empty table and then Gilda and Don sat right across from us. Gilda was sitting right across from me and Don sat right across from Phil. I was a bit confuzzled why but I kninda had a guess why. They probably wanted to know more about me, or Kieran I guess since I did tag them pretty hard not going to lie.

"Hey Phil what's Kieran like?" Don asked. Phil kept on smiling and swinging his feet back and forth under the table.

"He's really cool and I love him! He's like a big brother to me! He's reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally smart like Norman and Ray and Emma and he's really fast too! Maybe even as fast as mama!" Phil said and I felt extra happy and hugged him.

"Hehehe! Kieran your hair is tickling me!" Phil said and I pushed my hair back. I looked at Don and Gild and they looked like they were in some type of horror show and wanted to get out as fast as they could but couldn't.

"He's sitting right next to you?" Gilda whispered out in shock. Phil nodded and giggled.

"Yup! I'm always with Kieran and Kieran's aways with me! Except when we sleep but that's a different story."

"What does he look like?" Don asked and put his elbow on the table and his chin on my right palm.

"Well Kieran has medium brown hair he sometimes puts into a ponytail and pretty sparkling purple eyes like the stars at night!" Phil said and started eating.

"So like mama's?" Don asked and my head started to throb a bit. Maybe I ran too much and got too excited. I never do any of those and today was the first time.

"Yeah but also really different!" Phil said and slurped his soup.

"I see..." Gilda trailed off and everyone ate in silence and Phil handed me some bread. I ate some and he finished off the rest. After we were finished eating I thought they'd leave us alone but they started to follow us out the door.

"Phil we need to ask you-"

"Gilda, Don, Norman and I have to talk to you about something." I whipped around so fast someone could have gotten whiplash just by watching me do that and I stared at Emma wide eyed speaking with my eyes to not tell them about me. Emma didn't seem to noticed at first but my fast turn made her look over and she froze in fear when she saw me for some reason.

A/N: OMG TIRA YOU PROBABLY LOOK LIKE YOURE GOING TO YEET EMMA OFF OF A TREEEEEEEE XDXDXDXD Calm down a bit okei? UWU But Don and Gilda really are trying to learn more about Tira huh? Hopefully they aren't going to be mean!!! UMU AND WHAT CHU WANT WITH THEM EMMA?! YOU GONNA TATTLE OR WHAT?! IF YOU ARE YOU BETTER WATCH OUT FOR TIRA'S HANDS CUZ YOU GONNA BE CATCHING THEM IF YOU DO >M< But anyways everyone don't forget to vote and comment and follow and share!!!!! And add to your library too! MOSTLY IMPORTANTLY THOUGH DONT FORGET TO GET YO HANDS WASHED WITH DAT SOAP AND WATER OR ELSE CORONA GONNA CATCH YOU AND I DUN WANT THAT UMUMUMU Stay safe and clean and bye bye!!!!!!!!!

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