Norman Just Let Me Take the Damn Test!

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Tira POV

"Norman!!!" Phil shouted at Norman who was only with Emma which made me sigh in releaf. Norman smiled at us and then covered his mouth and turned away from facing us and his body was shaking and Emma was holding him up and her hand was also hiding her mouth too. I frowned. Wow, so rude already laughing at us again!

"Norman we wanna know how smart Tira is!" Phil says with a big smile. I looked at Phil in shock because I was extra extra shocked even more so then when Emma saw how Ray rice krispied my arm!

"Y-yeah Phil? What was it again?" Norman finally said calming down and catching his breath from laughing at us.

"Do you remember the questions and answers from our last test?" Phil asked innocently. Norman and Emma looked at each other for a bit both confused. Then they looked back at us and nodded.

"Yeah I do remember them. Why?" Norman asked Phil.

"I wanna know how smart Tira is!" I face palmed and looked away dragging my hand down my face.

"What? Hasn't Tira always been taking the- you know what? Nevermind, I don't think she would if Mama doesn't even notice that she exists." Norman said with a sigh and Emma looked at us shepishly. I spin Phil around 90 degrees to face me and crouch down and shake his shoulders.

"Phil why did you tell them that?!" I whisper scream at him panicked. Phil just smiled back cutely.

"Well this way it'll give them another reason to believe us right?" He said and I stopped shaking him and thought 'Well that's true...'

"Also Norman and Emma will be suspicious and not give my the questions and answers if I don't tell them the reason and you know how smart Norman is, he'll figure it out eventually." Phil reasoned and I sighed. That is true also...... Fine then, at least it's not Ray.

"But why would you ask me and not Ray?" Norman asked us confused.

"Ah! Did you have a fight with Ray?!" Emma suddenly interrupted instantly realizing half of the reason why.

"That's half of the reason. We also told Ray what we told you, but we told him first and he's suspicious of us now." Phil said with a sad face. I mentally gasped.

Phil! You were thinking this far?!

By using Ray and telling them that he suspects us of doing something weird and not wanting to do anything with us and being suspicious of us that'll make them suspicious of Ray and gives them another reason to believe us. Wow Phil, I didn't think that far... Maybe I'm just not smart at all and just creative...

Norman and Emma were speechless for a bit before Norman nodded with a smile.

"Alright, let's go to the library so Tira can have a quiet place to take the test." Norman said and waved his hand so we followed him to the library.

When we got to the library I instantly get flashbacks of when Ray rice krispied my arm and my arm throbbed. I ignored it though because Norman and Emma are here and I sat down and Norman and Emma and Phil sat down across from me. Norman grabbed a stack of papers and pens and began writing the questions and multiple choice answers down and after a bit of silence with the only sound being the furious scribbling of Norman's pen, he put the pen down and took a deep breath in. He opened his eyes and they weren't the smiley eyes he usually had, but they dead serious now. He handed me the papers and the other pen.

"You have ten minutes starting now."

A/N: OMG YES YES YES YES YES!!!!! Ahhhhh Tira is finally taking the test!!!! Also did you guys know that they have a test version of the test that they take on a website? I got 10/15 questions right because I don't know the kanji UMU Make sure to take the test too and tell me your results I'm real curious! Anyways make sure to vote and comment and share and follow and also add to your library!!!!!! Bye bye!!!!!!!!!!

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