Sad Time for Phil TTMTT

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Tira POV

I pulled Phil with me and to the library and we got the books and carried them back to Norman and Emma. We got there and put the books down and Norman and Emma looked at us funny.

"Phil." I said. Phil nodded serious and layed the books next to each other. Emma and Norman still didn't get it and so Phil pointed to one of the Morse Code and then to another.

"These are all different." Phil said and Norman picked up a few of the books and Emma did the same with the other few books too.

"They make a message in Morse code and it's about the orphanage." Phil explained and Norman put down the books and looked at us.

"It's probably just trying to tell us a story. That's why mama put it there for us to find because she wants us to sharpen our obsirvation skillz." Norman reasoned and I shuffled my feet because I was getting irritated. Why can't he just believe us for a bit?!

Phil pouts and drags me and storms off while Norman is shouting at Phil.

"Phil?! Wait Phil!" Norman shouted but it was too late we had already left. Phil dragged me into one of the rooms and he slammed the door closed and I just stared in shock. I never saw him mad if ever so especially not this mad to the point where he would act like this.

Phil stood in front of the door huffing and puffing liek the big bad wolf from the stories but he wouldn't face me.

"Phil...?" I said worried and reached out to him. He spun around on his heel and hugged me real tight and baried his face into my shirt and I felt it getting wet. I started to sniffle because Phil started crying.

"No Phil dun cry..." I say sad and hug him back extra tight.

"W-why *hic* can't N-N-Nor-Norman and *hic* Emma and R-Ray *hic* j-j-just b-believe us?!" Phil cried out into my shirt. I shake my head no because I dunno but I feel the same way too and don't know why they act like that.

"I don't Phil.... they trust mama toooooooooo too too too toooooooooo much! She treats them so good because they extra smart and always perfect." I tell him sad. Phil hics and thankfully stops crying or else I wouldn't be able to take it anymore UMU

"Come on Phil! If they don't wanna know the truth then we'll have to solve this by ourselves! Oh!!! Did I tell you about the pocket watch incident??????" I asked Phil. He wiped away his tears and shook his head.

"Oh nuuu!!!!!!! I sorry Phil!!!!! Okay let me tell you about how I saw mama while hiding in the top of the tree in the darkness of the leaves." I say. I tell Phil the story and he was amazedddd!

"Did she really?!" Phil asked surprised. I nodded my head super duper fast but also extra serious.

"That means that there's something inside of us that tracks us. How are we gonna find out where it is? It has to be small and put into us as babies so it could be anywhere." Phil said like a true detective. I hummed and then it clicked!

"Phil! Do you know if there are any strong magnets anywhere?!" I asked because of the realization. Phil also got on to what I was taking about and the two of us split up and started looking around the house.

There's no way that I'll become food because other people don't believe me! I'll change our fate!

A/N: OMKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!! Norman and Emma what's wrong with you two?!?!?!?!!!! MAMA DOESNR EVEN JNOW TIRA EXISTS AND TIRA AND PHIL HAVE BEEN BOTHERING YOU TWO AND TRYING TO MAKE YOU BELIEVE THAG MAMA IS EVIL AND SO WHY YOU NO BELIEVE?!?!! They have evidence and also since mama doesn't know Tira exists that would mean mama would mess up in front of her!!!! Also isn't it suspicious that they're trying to make you believe something that sounds extra cray cray????!!!!!! AND HOW DARE YOU HURT POOR POOR PHILLLLLLL TTMTT Thankfully Tira is there to make him feel better TMT Anyways guys make sure to vote and comment and share and follow!!!!! Bye bye!!!!!!!!!!!

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