Mama Shows Other Feelings?????

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Emma POV

Mama's face turned shocked and she grabbed me by my shoulders, scaring me.

"Emma, where did you hear about this book?" She asked serious with her eyes all big.

"I-in my dream!" I said trying to sound ok. Mama backed away a bit and let go of me. Whew! That was not good a good reaction.

"Mm, Sorry about that Emma." Mama apologized with a smile. She patted my head and I smiled back.

"It's okay!"

"Can you tell me about what happens in the story?" She asked. I nodded with fake excitment.

"It's about this girl who gets taken to another world! There she doesn't know the language but then meets a guy who does. Then he takes her to a magic school and learns magic! And then one day she meets this boy name Kieran and he's actually a bad guy but they both become friends realllllllly fast!" I gave mama a quick closed eye smile so she wouldn't suspect anything. I opened my eyes again and she looked scared. I put up a worried face.

"Mama? Or you okay? Does your tummy hurt?" I asked. Mama gave me a sad smile and patted my head.

"I'm fine. I just remembered something sad from a long time ago."

"What is it? If you tell me I'll woosh the sad memory away!" I said, swinging my arm in the air like a sword. Mama looked around a bit and grabbed my hand.

"This has to be a secret between you and me okay? I don't want to make anyone else worried."

"Mm! Pinky promise!" I put out my pinky and mama took it. Mama bent down and whispered quietly.

"I was just thinking about my family. I really miss them." Mama said.

"Family? Like a dad and mom?" Mama chuckled and shook her head.

"Close, but not there yet. Anyways, Norman was looking for you. He's at the dining room right now so you should hurry." I stared into her eyes and I could tell she wasn't lying. I gave her another closed eye smile and nodded.


Tira POV

I watched as Emma ran off. Gilda and Phil were looking at me.

"Gilda Phil go follow Emma. I'll be there in a second." I said. The two of them didn't say anything and went while I stayed behind. I slowly walked up behind mama who wasn't moving.

"... ra..." I could barely hear mama whisper. I walked closer.

"How does Emma know about Pawn? The book was sent to another farm 15 years ago. Hm... but it does bring back good memories." I froze when I saw mama give a smile that wasn't like she was going to roast somebody over fire. She looked sad but happy at the same time.

"I'll get it again if Ray asks for a new book. He hasn't asked for one in a while. It'll be a good chance to read it again after all these years." Mama smiled and walked away humming. I stood there in the middle of the hallway just thinking.

"15 years ago...? But then how?" I just stood there until I felt somebody tap my shoulder. I looked up and saw Ray.

"What're you doing standing here in the middle of the hallway? Someone's going to bump into you if you aren't careful." I grabbed his shoulders and pushed him back, shocking him.

"Ray! Ask for a book!" I said.


"A book! Ask Isabella for a book!"

"..." he sighed and nodded.

"I won't ask why but it's probably important, right?" I nodded and he nodded back.

"Alright, I'll ask her tomorrow."

A/N: Oooooh?!!?!???! Mama showing emotion?!?!??? Wowie the book must be really important for her to want it too UMU AND RAY U BETTER GET THE BOOK UMUMUMUMUMU And what does Norman want with Emma? Does he know something?! NORMAN SPILL THE TEAAAAAAAA AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Anyways make sure to vote, comment, share, and follow!!!!! Bye bye!!!!!!!!!!

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